Cross-Cloud Services

Cross Cloud Services: Manage, Govern and Secure Apps across Clouds

The role of IT is continuously evolving with rapid adoption of public cloud. IT organizations today want to empower developers and allow them to build and run applications anywhere with minimum control. While software developers often choose a public cloud for building new applications, IT is still accountable for managing costs, performance, security and compliance of these applications.

Empowering developers to choose from public and private clouds leads to the challenge of managing one or more unique cloud environments. Each cloud has different access points, different technology stacks, different APIs and different security and compliance guidelines. Managing multiple clouds requires diverse skill sets, and multiple tools and can be extremely time consuming. Cloud and DevOps administrators today need a unified approach for deploying, managing and securing applications across multiple public and private clouds.


Cross-Cloud Services and Management: Balance Agility with Costs and Controls

cross-cloud services


On Day 1 of the VMworld US 2016, we announced that VMware is developing Cross-Cloud services to give our customers the ability to manage, govern, and secure applications running in private and public clouds. We are previewing new SaaS services for applications running on large public clouds, including AWS and Azure.

VMware’s Cross-Cloud Architecture™ extends our hybrid cloud strategy with new public and private cloud capabilities. It enables management of private cloud and multiple public clouds environments in a way that allows cloud administrators to exercise an appropriate level of control over the multicloud environment without inserting intrusive governance that negatively impacts developer and line of business efficiency or their satisfaction with the delivered services.


IDC White Paper: Building an Effective Cross-Cloud Strategy

ResearchA few months ago, VMware commissioned IDC to explore how enterprises can optimize business agility to increase the speed of application development without compromising on cost, performance and security of mission-critical business applications running in a public or private cloud. The IDC white paper considers enterprise approaches for effectively implementing and managing unified Cross-Cloud architectures at scale.

VMware continues to evolve its products and services to help its customers successfully execute their efforts for managing multiple heterogeneous and hybrid clouds. For more information on vRealize Suite Cloud Management Platform, please visit the product page.