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The return of the One Click Cluster Capacity Dashboard in vRealize Operations 6.0

Since the release of vRealize Operations Manager 6.0, I have received an over-whelming amount of requests to re-create the one click cluster capacity dashboard on vROps 6.0. I should mention here that the dashboard xml, which I created with vCenter Operations 5.x would not work with vRealize Operations 6.0, since a number of metrics have changed in vRealize Operations  6.0 and the one which still remain are also laid in a different pattern within the database. 

So without further ado, let me quickly show you the face of the New One Click Cluster Capacity Dashboard 

 Just like the previous version of the dashboard, you would need to click on the cluster name on the left pane which will give you the details of the cluster and the important capacity metrics. With vRealize Operations Manager 6.0, I have selected the metrics which I believe are important and would give you an overview of the cluster. Let me quickly explain these 16 metrics to you.

  • Total Hosts = Total number of hosts in the cluster
  • Total Datastores = Total number of datastores in the cluster
  • Total VMs = Total number of virtual machines
  • Powered on VMs = Number of powered on VMs in the cluster
  • VM:HOST Average number of running virtual machines per running host.
  • vCPU:pCPU Ratio of CPU consumption to provision based on consumer demand
  • vMEM:pMEM = Ratio of Memory consumption to provision based on consumer demand
  • WASTAGE% = Overall score of waste, on a scale of 100
  • VM Remaining Average = Capacity remaining based on average consumer demand
  • CPU – VM Remaining = Capacity remaining based on average consumer CPU demand
  • Memory – VM Remaining = Capacity remaining based on average consumer Memory demand
  • Disk – VM Remaining = Capacity remaining based on average consumer Disk Space demand
  • VM Remaining Large = Capacity remaining based on Large consumer demand
  • VM Remaining Medium = Capacity remaining based on Medium consumer demand
  • VM Remaining Small = Capacity remaining based on Small consumer demand
  • VM Remaining Average = Capacity remaining based on average consumer demand

In case you want some more or other metrics to show up in your scoreboard widget, then you can refer to the vRealize Operations Admin Guide here which gives you the description of various metrics available.

 Now let me tell you how to replicate this dashboard in your environment. Here are the pre-requisites:-

  1. vRealize Operations Manager 6.0.1 – Advanced or Enterprise Edition
  2. Administrative Access to vRealize Operations
  3. Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox

 Here are the steps to replicate the dashboard:

  • Login to your vRealize Operations instance with an administrator account. (This could be to any instance of the cluster in case you are running a vRealize Operations Cluster).
  • Click on Content – > Manage Metric Content -> Expand the folder “ReskndMetric” -> Click on the Green PLUS Sign to add a new XML -> Name the file as “cluster-cap” Copy the xml content highlighted in Green from below and paste it on the right window -> Click on Save.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
     <AdapterKind adapterKindKey="VMWARE">
  <ResourceKind resourceKindKey="ClusterComputeResource">
 <Metric attrkey="summary|total_number_hosts" label="Total Hosts" unit="" yellow="63" orange="64" red="65" />
                  <Metric attrkey="summary|total_number_datastores" label="Total Datastores" unit="" yellow="255" orange="256" red="257" />
                  <Metric attrkey="summary|total_number_vms" label="Total VMs" unit="" yellow="9999" orange="10000" red="10001" />
                  <Metric attrkey="summary|number_running_vms" label="Powered On VMs" unit="" yellow="9999" orange="10000" red="10001" />
                  <Metric attrkey="summary|avg_vm_density" label="VM : HOST" unit=":1" yellow="15" orange="30" red="40" />
                  <Metric attrkey="cpu|demand|vConsumption.per.pConsumption" label="vCPU : pCPU" unit=":1" yellow="5" orange="6" red="7" />
                  <Metric attrkey="mem|demand|vConsumption.per.pConsumption" label="vMEM : pMEM" unit="memory" yellow="2" orange="3" red="4" />
                 <Metric attrkey="badge|waste" label="WASTAGE%" unit="%" yellow="20" orange="30" red="40" />
                   <Metric attrkey="summary|capacityRemainingUsingConsumers_average" label="TOTAL VM REMAINING" unit="" yellow="10" orange="5" red="0" />
                   <Metric attrkey="cpu|capacityRemainingUsingConsumers_average" label="CPU - VM REMAINING" unit="" yellow="10" orange="5" red="0" />
                   <Metric attrkey="mem|capacityRemainingUsingConsumers_average" label="MEMORY - VM REMAINING" unit="" yellow="10" orange="5" red="0" />
                   <Metric attrkey="diskspace|capacityRemainingUsingConsumers_average" label="DISK SPACE - VM REMAINING" unit="" yellow="10" orange="5" red="0" />
                 <Metric attrkey="summary|capacityRemainingUsingConsumers_large" label="VM REMAINING-LARGE" unit="" yellow="10" orange="5" red="0" />
                 <Metric attrkey="summary|capacityRemainingUsingConsumers_medium" label="VM REMAINING-MEDIUM" unit="" yellow="10" orange="5" red="0" />
                 <Metric attrkey="summary|capacityRemainingUsingConsumers_small" label="VM REMAINING-SMALL" unit="" yellow="10" orange="5" red="0" />
                 <Metric attrkey="summary|capacityRemainingUsingConsumers_average" label="VM REMAINING-AVERAGE" unit="" yellow="10" orange="5" red="0" />

Once you are done with creating this file, you now need to import a dashboard which is called “CLUSTER CAPACITY DASHBOARD” To import this dashboard you need to download the following file: CLUSTER-CAP.json (click on the filename to download).

Once you have this file, let’s see the steps to import it.

  • Login to your vROps instance with an administrator account. (This could be to any instance of the cluster in case you are running a vROps Cluster).
  • Click on Content – > Dashboards -> Actions -> Click on the Import Dashboard.

  • Browse to the CLUSTER-CAP.json file and click on Ok.

This will bring the Cluster Capacity Dashboard in the list of dashboards which you have..

Hope you enjoy the new Cluster Capacity Dashboard!!