DevOps vRealize Code Stream

Introduction to vRealize Code Stream Video

by Rich Bourdeau

In recent years, in order to improved application delivery, many companies have implemented agile development processes with continuous integration and smaller more frequent releases.  While developers are getting faster at turning out code, getting that code through all the different stages from development and into production remains a huge challenge for most companies.   Manual processes that worked OK with 9-12 month release cycles can’t stand up to the demands of quarterly, monthly or even more frequent releases.

 DevOps Conflict

While development wants to gets its release into production more frequently, operations needs to make sure that these applications work reliably.  These priority differences lie at the heart of the DevOps conflict.  If companies expect to reduce application delivery times while delivering more reliable applications they need to work more closely and collaboratively.

VMware vRealize Code Stream

Code Stream is an application release automation and continuous delivery solution that allows developers and operations teams to release software more frequently and efficiently, all the while leveraging their investments in existing build, test, provisioning, deployment and monitoring tools.  If your company wants to get faster and more efficient at delivering value to your customers through new and updated applications please take five minutes to watch this video and learn how Code Stream can help your development and operations become more efficient and at the same time deliver new and updated applications more reliably.

Learn More

Here are some additional resources to help you learn more about vRealize Code Stream and its Artifact Management capabilities.

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