Cloud Automation vRealize Code Stream

Create a Pipeline in vRealize Code Stream

In a typical release delivery process, after Dev checks in their enhancements or new features, often several additional groups need to test, stage, and accept the release prior to putting it into production. Not only does the process to deploy and test at each stage often take a long time, groups typically run into issues with coordination and consistency.vRCS automation 1

vRealize Code Stream helps simplify the release process by automating the different tasks needed to provision, deploy, test, monitor, and decommission the software targeted for a specific release.  Code Stream’s pipeline automation leverages existing tools, assures standard configurations, and provides the governance and controls to ensure a consistent process at each phase in the delivery process.


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When you have vRealize Code Stream or vRCS up and running, the best way to get started is to create a pipeline.  Pipeline Automation is one of the three core functional modules of vRCS, with the others being Artifact Management and the Release Dashboard.  Code Stream’s Pipeline Automation orchestrates the end-to-end software delivery process across various groups responsible for building, testing, and deploying a new release.

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The best part about creating pipelines is that you can start with a very rough outline without filling in any details.  This gives you an easy way to visualize your release process by modeling how you want the various stages to look, adding the tasks you’d like to perform within each stage, and define what types of stage gates you require.

create pipelineOnce you have a rough outline of what your pipeline should look like, then you can start configuring each individual task to meet your needs.  When a pipeline task is configured with the minimum requirements, you’ll see a green check within the task box or on the gating rule.

configured pipeline

In the following video, I’ll go over exactly how to create a basic pipeline in vRealize Code Stream, and show a more real world example:

Learn More

Here are some additional resources to help you learn more about vRealize Code Stream and its Artifact Management capabilities:

Catch up on previous Code Stream blog posts: