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vCenter Operations Management Tech Tips: Tip #25 – 1-Click Capacity Planning Custom Dashboard – Part 2

In the first part for this series I covered the compute (CPU and Memory) Super Metrics needed for our 1-Click Capacity Planning custom dashboard. In the second part I will show how to create the “infrastructure” for pulling out the capacity planning data for the cluster shared storage.

Before rushing into things and creating Super Metrics we need to create a shared storage dynamic group for each one of our clusters. I will follow the basic rule that what makes a Datastore “shared” is the fact its connected to more then one ESXi host.

Create the Dynamic Group

In the vSphere UI choose to create new group. Note that you need to do this for each one of your clusters capacity planning candidates. In order to “capture” the clusters shared storage datastores we will use two criteria.

01. Create new group

02. New Group 01

03. New Group 02

04. New Group 03

05. New Group 04

Create the storage related Super Metrics

Now that we have our cluster shared storage dynamic group we can leverage it while creating storage related Super Metrics. As remainder, lets go back to our metrics table.

Cluster Total CPU Capacity (GHz) Cluster Physical Memory Capacity (GB) Cluster Shared Storage Total Capacity (GB) Cluster VM to Host Ratio
Cluster Total CPU Demand (GHz) Cluster Total Memory Usage (GB) Cluster Shared Storage Used Space (GB) Cluster vCPU to pCPU Ratio
Cluster Total CPU Demand (%) Cluster Memory Usage (%) Cluster Shared Storage Used Space (%) Cluster vMem to pMem CPU Ratio
Cluster Shared Storage Throughput (KBps) Cluster Deployed VMs
Cluster Total IOPS

Table 1 – Capacity Planning OOTB Metrics and Super Metrics

Because of the shared datastores and their parent cluster 1:1 ratio criteria within the dynamic group, in the Super Metric we will not use the THIS option.

Cluster Shared Storage Total Capacity (GB)

sum(Cluster A Shared Storage:Datastore|Total Capacity|Total Capacity (GB))
Datastore|Total Capacity|Total Capacity (GB) = Resources: THE DYNAMIC GROUP > Attribute Kinds: Datastore > Total Capacity > Total Capacity (GB)

06. Cluster Shared Storage Total Capacity (GB)

Cluster Shared Storage Used Space (GB)

sum(Cluster A Shared Storage:Datastore|Total Capacity|Total Capacity (GB)))-(sum(MISSING:Datastore|Total Capacity|Total Available Space (GB)))
Datastore|Total Capacity|Total Capacity (GB) = Resources: THE DYNAMIC GROUP > Attribute Kinds: Datastore > Total Capacity > Total Capacity (GB)
Datastore|Total Capacity|Total Available Space (GB) = Resources: THE DYNAMIC GROUP > Attribute Kinds: Datastore > Total Capacity > Total Available Space (GB)

07. Cluster Shared Storage Used Space (GB)

Cluster Shared Storage Used Space (%)

sum(Cluster A Shared Storage:Datastore|Total Capacity|Average Workload (%))
Datastore|Total Capacity|Average Workload (%) = Resources: THE DYNAMIC GROUP > Attribute Kinds: Datastore > Total Capacity > Average Workload (%)

08. Cluster Shared Storage Used Space (pct)

Cluster Shared Storage Throughput (KBps)

sum(Cluster A Shared Storage:Datastore|Disk|Total Usage Rate (KBps))
Datastore|Disk|Total Usage Rate (KBps) = Resources: THE DYNAMIC GROUP > Attribute Kinds: Datastore > Disk > Total Usage Rate (KBps)

09. Cluster Shared Storage Throughput (KBps)

In the next part for this series I will map the attribute kinds for the OOTB metrics and will show how to perform manipulations on vC Ops interaction XML files.

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