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Trends in Cloud Adoption

In a recent 2013 Cloud Computing Study, The Info Pro, a service of 451 Research, projected explosive growth in the next two years for cloud computing. Many of the findings in this report are aligned with what VMware is seeing in the market. Here are some of the more significant findings from the report combined with some  thoughts on these trands.

Cloud Computing is and Evolution of Efficient IT
60% of the study’s respondents view cloud computing as a natural evolution of IT service delivery and 69% expect their spending to increase in both 2013 and 2014 compared with the prior year.

“As organizations are completing their transition to a virtualized datacenter infrastructure, their focus is switching rapidly to cloud computing projects,” said Peter ffoulkes, TheInfoPro’s Research Director for Cloud Computing.”

Private Cloud Initiative Dominate
According to The Info Pro study, Internal private cloud initiatives still dominate most company’s investments with 35% of respondents indicating that private cloud initiatives will be their top cloud computing related project in the next 12 months.

Planning for Hybrid Clouds is Starting
While some will argue that Hybrid clouds have been over hyped, more and more companies are starting to plan how they will be able to better leverage both internal and external compute resources and establish the appropriate governance needed to address security, compliance and cost concerns.  According to the Info Pro survey, the number of companies performing cloud provider assessments and strategy planning  more than doubled since their last survey to 33% representing the largest growth area and second largest cloud computing investment area.

Key Enabling Technologies

As for technologies that companies are looking to leverage for their cloud computing deployments, cloud platform/orchestration stacks leads TheInfoPro Heat Index of top cloud computing technologies followed closely by performance management and monitoring tools.   Cloud automation/orchestration and the associated governance and control is a key enabler of internal cloud deployments and provides the governance and controls necessary to allow companies to better address the regulatory compliance, security and other concerns that limit public cloud adoption.

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