
Disaster Relief for Mexico


El fondo Mexican Earthquake Response and Recovery Fund está activo para recibir donaciones. Por cada dólar que un empleado pone, VMware pone otro hasta un tope de USD$3100.00 por empleado. Cualquier donación es bienvenida, sobre todo con el generoso acelerador que VMware otorga.

También ayuda mucho crear conciencia global del tema. Acá el posting que ha hecho The VMware Foundation https://vmware-com.socialcast.com/groups/14263-vmwarefoundation. .



VMware Foundation Matching Gifts

VMware people can request donation matches (of $31.41 to $3,141.59 annually) to any nonprofit of their choice in the VMware Foundation portal. All nonprofits registered in the US are pulled into the portal automatically, but since there is no such repository of global nonprofits, a brief vetting process is required before we can grant funds to any nonprofits registered outside the US that are not yet in the portal.


Nonprofits and Funds currently eligible for matching gifts

UNICEF is eligible for matching gifts via their US entity – the US Fund for UNICEF. With any donation or matching gift, you have the ability to add a designation (in this case it would be something along the lines of “September 2017 Mexico City earthquake relief efforts”) that will be passed to the recipient nonprofit along with any donation funds.  Oxfam Mexico is also responding to the current needs on the ground in both of the regions where this month’s earthquakes have hit.


There is also the Mexican Earthquake Response and Recovery Fund, managed by our matching gifts vendor, Bright Funds, and the Mexico Earthquake Relief Fund, managed by GlobalGiving. These funds are made up of pre-vetted nonprofits providing disaster response in the region. Through a single donation to either fund, you can support multiple organizations’ initiatives to provide short-term and long-term response and recovery. Organizations have initially been selected based on their assistance with immediate relief needs on the ground, including rescue efforts and medical assistance. The nonprofits in both funds may be updated as the needs on the ground evolve.


How to get Topos, Cruz Roja Mexicana, and other nonprofits into the portal/program

I was not able to find Topos or Cruz Roja Mexicana in a search of the portal. In order to get Topos and Cruz Roja Mexicana into the portal and eligible for matching, they would have to go through a brief vetting process, which you can initiate any time using this form.  I realize that both organizations’ staff are unlikely to have the bandwidth to fill out any registration paperwork right now, and they probably won’t have the bandwidth for some time. Matching gifts can be requested up to one year after the donation is made.  So if people contribute to either organization’s relief efforts now, they can donate directly to the organization and, if Topos or Cruz Roja Mexicana later go through the brief vetting process, those people can apply for matching gifts if/after the organizations are approved (if it’s within a year of their donation).


Service Learning

If anyone is in a position to safely support the relief efforts in person, every VMware person also has 40 paid hours for Service Learning each calendar year.