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SDDC Meets EUC- Spotlight Session Today!!!!

by Sarah Semple, End-User Computing Product Marketing

Happy first full day at #VMworld 2013!  We are thrilled to be kicking off our first full day of sessions and we hope your schedule builder is packed with tons of great EUC breakout sessions.  Tonight will be hosting our End-User Computing Spotlight Session.  VMware’s software defined architecture is transforming the data center into a dynamic cloud environment that can be built around a private cloud infrastructure with VMware vCloud Suite or a public or hybrid cloud service with VMware vCloud Hybrid Service. But how does VMware’s End-User Computing Platform fit into all of this? Join this session with our CTO, Scott Davis and other guest speakers as we demo and discuss how are leveraging VMware’s software-defined data center to deliver end-user computing workloads including desktops as a service. We’ll look at how VMware plans to automate and manage your infrastructure and desktops and additionally explore how you can deliver policy entitled access to VMware’s next-generation virtual workspace including applications, desktops and data.

This session is NOT to be missed.  Add us to your schedule today!  Tell us what you think on Facebook and Twitter #EUC7370-S #vmworld

The Software Defined Data Center Meets End-User Computing
Monday, August 26th at 5pm
Moscone Center West, Room 2009