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The 2020 Guide to Building Your Digital Workspace Solution

With physical and remote workforces in flux, there has never been a more critical time to evaluate how technology in the workplace has an impact on you and your coworkers’ lives. Not only is 2020 the start of a new decade, it has also been a defining year for change in how we interact with technology at work. It’s hard to imagine that ten years ago the first iPad was introduced, Blackberry was still the standard for work, and we didn’t fully realize the many ways technology would change both the workplace and our personal lives for the next decade.

Looking forward, investing in digital transformation and determining how employees experience and engage with their work will be one of the most important decisions IT teams will need to make. These decisions shouldn’t be taken lightly as Digital Transformation and the Employee Experience are more than just Silicon Valley buzzwords. In reality, the Employee Experience is the fundamental way in which technology can enable and transform workplace happiness and fulfillment from day zero and beyond. You know that employees care deeply about choice and flexibility from any device and anywhere, while Enterprise organizations require security that doesn’t get in the way of productivity. So, how do you deliver an experience that meets these complicated criteria? The answer is in your digital workspace solution.

The Need for a Digital Workspace Solution

Companies who give employees anytime, anywhere access to the apps that they need are nearly three times as likely to be rated leaders in digital transformation. Yet, only 24% of employees surveyed say their IT department does so. IT teams must realize that investing in end user technology that empowers employees goes hand in hand with investing in employees’ overall experiences.

A digital workspace is a perfect place to start, as it’s the engine of workspace transformation. These platforms allow employees to access all of their digital assets and devices to achieve productivity, mobility and flexibility. Without a digital workspace to securely deliver the devices and tools needed, it’s nearly impossible for employees within a company to collaborate efficiently and securely. It’s for these reasons that IT must implement a digital workspace solution to encourage greater employee satisfaction across their organization. When evaluating digital workspace solutions, start with the five requirements of a digital workspace solution, including putting the employee experience first, the delivery of applications, modern device management (MDM), security and automation.

Get Started with a Digital Workspace Solution

A digital workspace solution begins with putting employee experience first. IT must consider how employees learn new applications, how intuitive these apps are to use for the first time and  if the process is different depending on the device or location. Taking these details into consideration builds a strong culture around user experience, a critical element needed to meet business demands and secure corporate data.

When adopting a digital workspace solution, applications need to be delivered anytime, anywhere. As soon as you begin to have caveats about what works some of the time, depending on how you are trying to connect, employees will go back to fending for themselves and avoiding IT for new apps. Ensuring that you can consistently deliver the apps your employees need to do their jobs successfully is critical.

In the near future, every enterprise-managed or personal device accessing corporate data will be connected to a device management platform. Device management is the only way to deliver consistent experiences in a perimeter-less work environment. It allows for real-time context of devices used to access apps and data and helps secure access management, ensuring compliance and consolidating management silos.

IT can’t proactively drive successful employee experiences if they can’t measure the adoption of these experiences. You need a digital workspace that can manage experience and security. A digital workspace should be able to yield accurate insights from patterns and trends in data, identify potential gaps security, and make recommendations for change so the organization can learn and thrive.

The final step in the digital workspace adoption journey is automation. Due to the scale of the digital workspace, it’s important to use automation for onboarding new employees or devices, deploying apps, serving up patches and updates, or automating remediation steps to assure an employee’s device is compliant with policy. Automation ensures that operational costs are minimized, and removes gaps that could result from inconsistently applying security policies or leaving devices in noncompliant states for too long.

Workspace ONE is the Complete Digital Workspace Solution

An employee-focused digital workspace is critical to supporting new business initiatives and fostering better ways to connect people with data. That’s why VMware’s Workspace ONE helps organizations continue their journey towards complete digital transformation and putting Employee Experience at the forefront. Workspace ONE Digital Workspace uses our industry-leading end-user computing (EUC) technologies to help teams deliver and manage any app on any device, simply and securely. With password-less access to all apps and secure Office 365 and mobile productivity apps for email, calendar, contacts and more, employees are equipped with the tools to be successful. Workspace ONE’s use of data security and endpoint compliance also gives employees the confidence to go into their workstation and seamlessly access to all of their applications. Finally, real-time app delivery and automation eliminate the complexity and burden of manual tasks, helping your IT teams and employees become more efficient.

With VMware leading in both EMM and UEM, discover how Workspace ONE can help you on your digital transformation journey. For more information, check out these in-depth Workspace ONE resources.