VMware Workspace ONE By Product

Who Built a Better EMM Mousetrap?

New report claims VMware Workspace ONE, powered by VMware AirWatch unified endpoint management, delivered a better user experience, had more features and saved time on management tasks, compared to Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security (EM+S).

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In my blog post last month, I provided six key criteria for selecting an enterprise mobility management (EMM) provider and compared Workspace ONE to another vendor in each category. Today, we reveal the mystery vendor and the details of the third-party comparison.

Principled Technologies (PT), a well-respected testing firm, rolled up their sleeves and got to work attempting to answer the burning question in EMM: “Who builds a better mousetrap?” Their conclusion didn’t surprise us, but it’s worthwhile knowing we’re not alone in our adoration of Workspace ONE.

It wasn’t a snap decision, and it didn’t happen overnight. PT’s crack team performed weeks of testing that compared commonly used functionality such as: 1) the ease and speed of performing common setup tasks, 2) the ability to manage oodles of devices and applications and 3) keeping everything safe and sound while so doing. PT concluded Workspace ONE does it better, more thoroughly and faster than Microsoft EM+S.

Superior Admin User Experience

Testers had difficulty knowing where certain tasks were performed in Microsoft Intune. Certain browsers can make using Intune complicated. They found Workspace ONE’s single, easy-to-use console and guided tutorials make it a breeze to navigate. In fact, Workspace ONE reduced required effort and saved overall time for an admin by 35%.

Time savings on configuration, management and deployment is critical to most organizations. These tests demonstrate the real value of a well-designed admin experience.


Manage Devices & Digital Workspaces Better

The team learned that EM+S has two approaches for Windows 10 device and digital workspace management. If an admin chooses to control a device as a computer, the admin cannot use conditional access, device profiles or agentless enrollment. If an admin chooses to configure the device as a mobile device, the admin cannot deploy .exe or .zip files as applications, configure Windows Firewall settings or configure BitLocker encryption.

An admin using Workspace ONE for Windows 10 devices and digital workspaces can control all the settings that EM+S can’t. Workspace ONE did not make a distinction between managing the device as a computer or as a mobile device.

Better yet, they found Workspace ONE supports more types of apps as this graphic depicts.


For iMac desktops, EM+S could deploy only web apps to an iMac running macOS. It didn’t support public, internal or volume-purchasable apps for macOS. Workspace ONE supported more policies for each device.

More apps and better device management equates to happy end users. They have access to the capabilities they need and are not hindered by administration clumsiness.

Security Is Job ONE

According to PT, an admin using Workspace ONE or EM+S could set requirements for device passwords and biometric sign-in on any of the devices tested. Only an admin using Workspace ONE for Android devices, however, could disable developer options, set anti-virus settings or disable video recording. Using Workspace ONE, an admin could also restrict Apple users from syncing their Keychain to iCloud. The graphic below depicts the super set of security features Workspace ONE has compared to EM+S.



Whether you’re deploying mousetraps or EMM solutions, it pays to know how competing solutions stack up against each other. Principled Technologies’ findings point out important advantages of managing devices and digital workspaces with Workspace ONE powered by AirWatch versus using EM+S with Intune. Download your copy of the report today.

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