VMware Horizon Cloud Desktops Featured

VMware Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure: Learn More at VMworld 2017 U.S.

VMware Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure Public Beta
Sign up to receive the latest updates about Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure: vmware.com/partners/global-alliances/microsoft.html.

Since we announced our vision for VMware Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure in May, we received tremendous interest from prospective customers. At VMworld 2017 U.S., attendees will have the opportunity to learn more and view a demonstration of the solution during several sessions.

What Customers Are Saying about Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure

Our vision for this solution is to enable organizations like yours to pair existing Microsoft Azure infrastructure with the intuitive Horizon Cloud control plane, to create a secure, comprehensive cloud-hosted solution for delivering virtualized Windows applications and session desktops.

Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure is designed to help organizations transform Windows applications into a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model. This helps IT teams eliminate the burden of managing physical infrastructure and move to SaaS as part of your journey to a unified digital workspace.

We certainly think that the time has come for a powerful solution like this—and so do many of our current beta customers:

After trying the beta version of the solution, a technical architect at a large U.S. pharmacy chain exploring desktop virtualization expressed that VMware Cloud and Microsoft Azure working together is a match made in the cloud.

A solutions architect for a healthcare company looking to migrate from on-premises desktops to cloud desktops excitedly expressed that Horizon Cloud is the way to go.

Paul Chafin, Chief Technology Officer at the Florida Department of Health, said:

“Being able to quickly provision, purchase and deploy full Windows desktops from the cloud without the tedious management of physical infrastructure is very appealing and our organization can benefit from this service as we move our data and apps to the cloud. Microsoft and VMware are two proven companies in the industry and we have had a very positive experience so far as beta participants.”

If you want to see this in action, check out our sessions at VMworld 2017 U.S., where we will give a demonstration of Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure.

Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure at VMworld U.S.

In our “Learn More about Horizon Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure” session, you will learn how you can combine the benefits of remote desktops and applications as-a-service from VMware and the flexibility to choose a public, consumption-based IaaS like Microsoft Azure, making it easier and more cost-effective to deploy and scale your digital workspace.

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Goodbye Legacy VDI. Hello Dynamic VDI for the Digital Workspace. [ADV3156SU]
A Modern Approach to Planning, Building, Running and Securing Virtual Desktops and Apps as Part of Your Customized Digital Workspace. Join Shankar Iyer, SVP and GM of Desktop Products at VMware, and special guests to find out how VMware brings dynamic VDI and your end-to-end digital workspace to life.

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Learn More about Horizon Cloud Service at VMworld

We also have a number of sessions on the Horizon Cloud service where you can learn about our different deployment options and how to integrate this within your existing infrastructure.

GIF_VMworld_2017_top_reasons_to_registerHorizon Cloud: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know with Simon LeComte [MTE4819U]

Understand the different deployment options with Horizon Cloud, the technical requirements of each, and which deployment models best suit your organization

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Horizon Cloud Service: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know [ADV1596BU]

This deep dive into Horizon Cloud Service and give you a behind-the-scenes look at the architecture and best practices for integrating Horizon Cloud Service virtual desktops and apps into your existing infrastructure.

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