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Mobile Tech Predictions: What Does 2030 Look Like for IT & Mobile Workers?

Listen to this new episode of the digital work podcast, Echo ONE, to hear mobile strategy expert Brian Katz share biggest mobile tech predictions and trends today and into 2030.

What does 2030 look like for enterprise IT? And what do we need to do today to prepare for the future of business tech and end-user demands?

We’re getting in on the mobile tech predictions action with Brian Katz, VMware End-User VMware-Echo-ONE-podcast-logoComputing (EUC) Director of Mobile Strategy and all-around smart guy. Brian looks into his metaphorical crystal ball on the popular Echo ONE tech podcast.

We chat with Brian about the big, huge, MASSIVE trends facing mobile IT today and what work could look like in 2030:

  • The renovation of business apps and delivery in the modern cloud world;
  • Mobile tech innovation, app development and IT delivery;
  • Transforming big data and analytics from numbers to business-impacting insights;
  • The future of the IT department and IT leadership; and
  • Augmented reality (AR), contextual computing and mobile workflows will bring us closer together as human beings.

Echo ONE Podcast #9: What Does 2030 Look Like for IT & Mobile Workers?

Here are a few of my favorite soundbites and mobile tech predictions from Brian this episode:

“AR has a real place in the enterprise. … In the enterprise, where you’re doing everything from ‘how do I fix things on an assembly line’ to ‘how do I do inventory,’ that becomes really interesting.”

“A device isn’t a tool; this is just a device. It’s the mixture of the app and the device … that becomes the tool. And when the tool becomes transparent—not invisible, but it needs to stay out of the way—it enables you to get your job done more quickly, more efficiently. It allows you to be more productive. You start to use it and you don’t even think about what you’re using.”

“Basically, you want ‘Her,’ you want to be Joaquin Phoenix. You want an AirPod or something else that you can talk to and get what you need. … That gets back to contextual computing. … I think that is a big deal as far as, if you know the context, if you can help people make better decisions faster, that’s a big deal.“

This episode is sponsored by VMware Horizon 7. Horizon 7 provides a streamlined approach to delivering, protecting and managing virtual desktops (VDI) and apps, while containing costs and ensuring that end users can work anytime, anywhere, across any device. Learn more about Horizon 7 here.

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