Announcements Digital Employee Experience Management (DEEM) Employee Experience VMware Explore 2022

Workspace ONE expands DEX with management-agnostic support for Windows devices

This week at VMware Explore 2022 Europe, we are announcing that the VMware Digital Employee Experience (DEX) solution is available for all devices, whether they’re managed by Workspace ONE UEM, by third-party solutions, or are completely unmanaged! To complete our DEX offering, Digital Employee Experience Management (DEEM) is now available for unmanaged or third-party managed Windows devices as a tech preview.   

Why organizations need a truly comprehensive DEX solution 

Hybrid work continues to be an imperative for employees who desire the flexibility that remote work provides to help achieve a work–life balance. As a part of an ideal remote work scenario, organizations empower employees to get work done, securely, from the device of their choice, from anywhere. But organizations have struggled to enable virtual onboarding, provide app access, keep a pulse on technology interactions, and solve issues when they come up. This is why a DEX solution is crucial.  

VMware has a comprehensive DEX solution — covering employee lifecycle service delivery, experience measurement, analysis, and remediation — that provides a seamless digital experience for all employees. The definition is important: you can’t have a “user experience” solution without a component that delivers employee experiences, and we now do all of this on both managed and unmanaged devices. Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub is the employee-facing digital workspace application, Workspace ONE Assist delivers remote support, and Workspace ONE Intelligence provides DEEM for qualitative and quantitative experience measurement, insights, root cause analysis, and more.  

Use cases for DEEM for unmanaged and third-party managed Windows devices

Giving IT visibility into the experiences that employees have is critical, no matter what endpoint they choose to use. An experience score that only includes partial representations of devices, personas, or use cases isn’t a true organization experience score! Here are a few use cases for why this is relevant to our customers.

Customers are not quite ready to move their Windows devices to modern management

We have many customers who started on their digital transformation journey by managing mobile devices with Workspace ONE UEM. Modern management for desktops is in their roadmap, but they aren’t ready to make the move yet, for a variety of reasons. DEX can be introduced across the entire end-user computing environment to help IT measure the experiences on these endpoints, analyze the environment to gain insights on what can be improved, and remediate issues that impact employee productivity. Once they are ready to move to modern management, they can use the DEX solution already in place to help ease that migration and measure the success.  

Organizational structures where corporate and line of business devices are managed separately

This could be retail versus corporate environments, or even a franchise business model where centralized IT doesn’t procure all the devices. In this case, DEX for all devices allows IT to communicate with employees, no matter what type of devices they are on, as well as to measure experience accessing corporate apps and remediate identified issues.  

BYOD or third-party managed device use for personas such as contractors or new employees during M&As

DEX allows organizations to monitor experiences these employees have on their devices prior to bringing management into the environment. Enabling DEX ensures consistent, seamless experiences for employees, while giving IT visibility into their experience as a contractor or during the acquisition period. Surveys can be collected and fed into the experience score for unified visibility. 

The benefits of DEX for all devices 

In closing, here are three major benefits to enabling DEX for all devices in your corporate environment.  

1. Unified experience measurement 

DEX gives IT teams unified visibility of experience telemetry across all endpoints (mobile, physical, and virtual). Combining this quantitative data with employee perception (collected through the integrated survey component) delivers a rich organizational experience score to our customers.  

2. Streamlined service desk and IT operations 

Unifying DEX allows for simple collaboration between IT, service desks, and application owners to monitor app engagement and experience, and to resolve issues more efficiently. With the ITSM connector, it’s possible to easily surface relevant telemetry, data, and resolution actions from Workspace ONE into the ITSM system that service desk teams are already working from. 

3. Proactive remediation through self-service and automation 

DEX allows IT to shift paradigms by becoming proactive, instead of reacting to experience issues after they’ve already impacted employee productivity. Workspace ONE can proactively remediate issues before they occur, as well as help recommend remediation steps for issues using the new guided root cause analysis capability. With the customizable self-service portal, employees are empowered to fix issues without needing to raise IT tickets.  

We believe digital transformation is a journey, and DEX is a logical first step for many organizations to transform their employee experiences. With DEX you’ll gain insights into the experiences you are delivering, and you’ll be able to easily prioritize and improve experiences across all devices. Get started today! 

For more VMware Explore Europe news, see our VMware Explore 2022 Europe Anywhere Workspace, Workspace ONE, and Horizon announcements overview and all the articles in our VMware Explore 2022 category.