VMware Horizon Business Continuity Featured VMware Workspace ONE

Workspace ONE Continues its Digital Workspace Momentum at Citrix Synergy

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://blogs.vmware.com/euc/files/2019/05/marshall-anne.jpeg[/author_image] [author_info]Co-Author: Marshall Anne Busbee, Marshall Anne is a Product Line Manager at VMware with over 5 years of experience specializing in mobility and end-user productivity.[/author_info] [/author]


The theme for 2019 Citrix Synergy was technology centered around employee engagement and productivity, and it was yet another venue for VMware Workspace ONE platform to demonstrate its leadership as the most comprehensive digital workspace solution for all businesses. While employees continue to leverage a growing array of devices, operating systems, services and apps to meet their individual workstyles, we continue to have customer conversations on how Workspace ONE reduces their IT costs and complexities and delivers an exceptional user experience. Our vision for Workspace ONE as a consumer simple and enterprise secure platform continues to drive customer interests and conversations around mobile and cloud technology transformations.

At our booth at Synergy, we shared with customers the coming together of modern management and intelligent automation for Windows 10 devices. For example, the ability of Workspace ONE to automate OS patches based on device readiness and vulnerability (CVE) information resonated highly with customers struggling to keep up with the cadence of Windows updates and security threats. Through various presentations and live demos, customers got to experience firsthand how Workspace ONE helps streamline onboarding, management and security for modern desktops, and execute on their device choice strategy. I highly encourage you to check out these experiences for yourself on VMware TestDrive.

Similarly, it was great to see my colleague, Marshall Anne Busbee, talk about how Workspace ONE has become the platform for employee engagement. With all the buzz around employee engagement from Gallup to The Conference Board with Sirota-Mercer and Deloitte,  Marshall Anne’s multiple presentations on how Workspace ONE productivity apps and services impact on the productivity of today’s information worker was highly popular – not only at our booth but also at Cisco’s booth.  Moreover, our demos on how Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub and mobile flows streamline an employee’s day to day tasks continued to drive attendees. For more information on Workspace ONE Mobile Flows, please visit recent blog (Click here).

Just wanted to have a shout out of thanks to all those who visited us and look forward to seeing you all in San Francisco at VMworld 2019.