Technical Guides VMware Horizon Cloud

Announcing: Network Ports in VMware Horizon Cloud Service

The inaugural version of the Network Ports in VMware Horizon Cloud Service white paper has just been released. You can refer to this white paper as you plan the network traffic flows and ports that are so critical to any infrastructure. This white paper provides the port requirements for connectivity between the components and servers in a VMware Horizon Cloud Service deployment.

The paper includes three sets of interactive PDF diagrams for two deployment models:

  • Horizon Cloud with Hosted Infrastructure with external connectivity
  • Horizon Cloud with Hosted Infrastructure with internal connectivity
  • Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure

Multiple versions of the diagrams are included, which means that, in effect, you can dive deep into a diagram, and focus on a specific connection type and protocol use within it.

Here is an example of one of the first set of diagrams, showing external connectivity for Horizon Cloud with Hosted Infrastructure:


Horizon Cloud with Hosted Infrastructure - External Connection, All Protocols

This diagram shows all possible network ports, illustrating the connectivity between VMware components. The arrows show the direction of traffic between source and destination, and the ports shown are the destination ports. The white paper provides tables that list all possible ports; connections to other VMware products such as VMware Identity Manager, VMware App Volumes, VMware ThinApp, and more; as well as additional detailed information about the port requirements for connectivity.

Make sure to download the Network Ports in VMware Horizon Cloud Service to benefit from these informational diagrams.

You can also check out Network Ports in VMware Horizon 7 for parallel information when designing a  Horizon 7 infrastructure.

Important: For the maximum benefit of the interactive capabilities of the document and high-resolution diagrams, download the PDF file and view it locally, rather than in a browser.

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