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Remediating Risk: How VMware Workspace ONE & Lookout Secure Enterprise Mobility

Sachin Sharma, senior product line marketing manager at VMware, and Nick Fisher, product marketer at Lookout, discuss the need for, and benefits of, a platform approach to comprehensive enterprise mobile security.

Today’s Enterprise Faces Growing Mobile Risk

A quick scan of last year’s news headlines reveals enterprise security breaches and malicious attacks are on the rise, with mobile devices becoming the preferred target. This means the task of securing the enterprise for IT and security executives has quickly expanded beyond traditional office desktops and laptops, and has rapidly extended into mobile devices and the enterprise data these access.

Lookout Mobile Endpoint Security and VMware Workspace ONE integrate to give enterprises an easily deployable and highly effective threat detection and mobile risk remediation solution across an organization’s mobile environment.

“But What’s the Real Risk?”

In 2017, over 5.2 billion user accounts were breached at companies like Verizon, Boeing, Google and Equifax, according to data from Lookout Breach Report. Data breach incidents will only increase in the coming year as unsecure mobile devices continue to be at risk of attack.

To help organizations think about and understand risk, Lookout created the Mobile Risk Matrix. The matrix looks at threats across apps, devices, networks and the web content that devices access. A quick review of the statistics show protection is needed more than ever.

  • App-based threats: Lookout found that 50 out of 1,000 Android devices will encounter malware, such as a Trojan, every year. On iOS, 110 out of 1,000 devices will encounter a sideloaded app, which is a common delivery system for malware.
  • Network threats: Hackers attempt to steal data in transit between a device and the network, most often in the form of man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks. Lookout found that eight out of every 1,000 devices will encounter a MitM attack every year.
  • Web & content threats: Malicious actors use phishing tricks—where safe URLs are replaced with harmful URLs—to gain access to sensitive data. Lookout found that one out of 10 devices encounter phishing URLs every year.
  • Device vulnerabilities: Most of us take device updates for granted, but they offer a chance for hackers to quickly expose problems in new releases. For example, between iOS 9 and iOS 11, 29 CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) were identified, many of which were graded as high or critical severity.
  • Risky employee behaviors & configurations: Even when basic security measures are in place, the way an employee uses a device can put the enterprise business at risk, unknowingly violating industry regulations or internal policies. For example, Lookout found that 31 percent of iOS devices access the calendar feature, which could expose sensitive internal data.

The Mobile Risk Matrix highlights the need for today’s enterprise leaders to have deep visibility into these threat vectors and components, and the ability to protect and remediate against real-time risk and vulnerabilities.

VMware Workspace ONE + Lookout = A Simple, Powerful Solution in Action

With VMware Workspace ONE and Lookout Mobile Endpoint Security, the detection of mobile risk and remediation is seamless.

For example, when an organization deploys Lookout on any mobile device that accesses corporate data, that device will connect to the Lookout Security Cloud. If a threat or risk is detected on that device, the Lookout Security Cloud will send an alert to the Lookout Mobile Endpoint Security console. Through API integration, Lookout notifies Workspace ONE, which can instantly take automated remediation steps based on risk level to protect enterprise data. To see this in action, watch our video.

Lookout is proud to be a partner in the VMware Mobile Security Alliance. Working together, VMware and Lookout are innovating new approaches to provide enterprises a secure and mobile approach to managing devices, apps and data using centralized policies and controls. To learn more about Workspace ONE, visit, and for information on Lookout, contact Lookout today.
