VMware Horizon VMware Mirage

Announcing Horizon Mirage 4.2!

by Hanan Stein, Product Management, End-User Computing

Today, VMware is pleased to announce the launch of the latest edition of VMware® Horizon Mirage™: the Horizon Mirage 4.2 release. In Horizon Mirage 4.2 VMware has made major storage performance improvements which greatly reduces the time it takes an endpoint to finish centralization. How significant is the impact you ask? Great question! Unfortunately, the answer is that it depends heavily on your environment, but we are quite sure that it will reduce the time significantly in environments where the storage is the bottleneck.  So we could have published “X% improvement achieved in the lab” we will try to share performance improvement data from real world deployments if our customers give us permission to publish it!

What’s new in VMware Horizon Mirage 4.2?

Endpoint centralization improvements – By reducing the total number of IOPS required, Horizon Mirage 4.2 significantly reduces the time it takes for an endpoint to finish centralizing.  Large deployments with thousands of devices will notice the most improvement!

Windows Vista OS support – Horizon Mirage now supports Windows Vista for disaster recovery and Windows 7 Migration (both in place migrations and through hardware refresh.).  As with Windows XP to Win7 migration, users can continue to work as Horizon Mirage downloads the Win7 image in the background, minimizing end-user down time.

New Help Desk Web Console: Horizon Mirage 4.2 provides web portal to helpdesk personal for troubleshooting and the repair of an end user’s system.   The Help Desk Web Console offers easy access to the admin console from any browser.

Localization – Horizon Mirage client and File portal are now localized and support four new languages: French, German, Japanese and Simplified Chinese

Automated in-place Windows 7 Migration with Sophos 5.5 – Horizon Mirage can now migrate an enpoint with Sophos 5.5. endpoint encryption running without the need to de-crypt and re-crypt the endpoint.   This makes the security and compliance team very happy!

VMware Licensing Alignment:  Horizon Mirage is no longer licensed by device count but instead on the Horizon Suite user-based licensing model.

We are incredibly excited to announce our latest developments for Horizon Mirage.   Tell us your thoughts on our latest announcement via Facebook and Twitter.