By James Millington, Director Product Management, Imprivata
Virtual desktops are gaining great traction in healthcare, a fact supported by the announcement that VMware® Horizon View™ has been awarded Target Platform status for Epic Hyperspace
The reason for this uptake, is that desktop virtualization is delivering compelling value across the spectrum of healthcare users and decision makers.
Imprivata and VMware have partnered closely in a number of healthcare environments including Johns Hopkins and Metro Health to deliver a combination of functionality that streamlines clinical workflows, helps meet compliance goals and provides flexibility for users and IT.
Lets take a look at the 2 predominant workflows that we see in EMR environments and consider some of the benefits. The first workflow is the workflow that we see in inpatient settings, the roaming desktop workflow. Here we have care providers moving quickly between nurse’s stations, patient rooms, treatment rooms, physician’s lounges etc. The combined Imprivata OneSign and Horizon View environment enables users to simply tap a badge and bring their desktop with them exactly as they left it. Not having to re-launch the EMR application, not having to re-navigate to the patient record. When you consider that care providers may log into different devices up to 70 times in a shift, OneSign authentication combined with desktop roaming is (arguably) the most compelling use case for this technology in any industry, creating compelling time savings and enabling providers to focus on patients, not technology. For IT you have the benefits of centralized data, no PHI left on the endpoint devices to potentially walk out of the hospital with a stolen computer, helping to limit the number of ways data breaches may occur and helping to reduce the potential for hefty PHI breach fines. For clinical leadership, they have care providers that feel that IT is doing something to help them, providing them with a system that works with them, not against them and helps encourage the use of the EMR and work together towards Meaningful Use dollars.
The second workflow is what customers refer to as Epic Secure. This is the workflow used in exam rooms, in ambulatory settings. In this workflow, Horizon View is working in kiosk mode – a shared desktop running nothing but this application. In this workflow, the integration with Imprivata OneSign enables doctors and nurses to keep the application “hot” as they both consult with a patient. The badge tap logs the nurse into the application, they find the patient chart, update the chart, and another tap secures the application. When the doctor then comes to see the patient their badge tap signs them into the application keeping the same patient record on the screen, they can see the latest information without further navigation. The flexibility of the combined Imprivata and VMware Horizon View solution ensures that the technology supports the clinical workflows. When this is the case, adoption is increased, often spreading by word of mouth changing support calls from “I’m having a problem” to “How do I get that?”
On a recent customer visit I had the head of the IT team tell me that the adoption of zero clients had taken client device replacement down from a 2 day process to a 30 minute process. How? He stated that when they received a call to the helpdesk, they would have to identify the machine, find its location and its role. Then find the base image for that machine, then install any other software required, then swap it for the broken device. After that would be a period of troubleshooting as users came along and tried to use it and problems almost certainly arose. With a zero client, after the call came in then went to the location, plugged in the new device, made sure it came up, and left. A huge IT time saving, and a huge increase in convenience for users getting their workstations available in minutes rather than days. With the unique No Click Access support from Imprivata, oh, and add in the cooling and power consumption benefits for good measure, zero clients add yet more value recognizable by users, IT and leadership alike.
The next big thing? What we are hearing from customers is Electronic Prescribing for Controlled Substances (EPCS). Many customers are planning their move to Epic 2012 as they move towards EPCS and may consider this the time to take advantage of the Target Platform status of Horizon View. Imprivata is the only solution to support all two factor authentication modalities certified by the DEA adding EPCS to the growing list of benefits of desktop virtualization in healthcare.