Multi-Cloud Kubernetes Solution for Enterprise High Performance Computing with Nimbix JARVICE XE and VMware Tanzu

Leveraging Kubernetes for Enterprise HPC

High-performance computing (HPC) is the use of parallel-processing techniques to solve advanced scientific and engineering problems. Examples of HPC applications are financial risk simulation, life-science modeling, weather forecasting, electronic design automation, digital-movie rendering, and machine learning/deep learning.

As micro-services and containers are becoming prevalent in enterprises, they are also making inroads into machine learning and other similar HPC jobs. This trend blurs the line between traditional HPC and container technologies, sparking exploration of the possibility of leveraging Kubernetes, the de facto standard for container management framework, for HPC.



Nimbix JARVICE XE wraps advanced computing workflows to work with Kubernetes. It supports accelerated applications that take advantage of hardware accelerators, including InfiniBand, GPGPU, and FPGA, on Kubernetes clusters. From the Nimbix system admin’s perspective, Nimbix JARVICE XE can be deployed on Kubernetes clusters spanning multiple regions, datacenters, and private or public clouds. HyperHub enables developers and HPC ISVs onboarding their own custom applications and workflows. For HPC users, those open-source or commercial applications are ready-to-run in the HyperHub catalog.

Figure 1: Solution Overview of Multi-Cloud Kubernetes Solution for Enterprise HPC, with VMware Tanzu portfolio and Nimbix JARVICE XE

This blog from the VMware Office of the CTO  describes a compelling solution combining the capabilities of VMware TKG and the Nimbix platform to bring HPC to the agile world of modern apps and Kubernetes. The solution was successfully deployed and validated in the VMware Cloud Solutions Lab. (VCSLAB)