[Tooling] Disk Usage with Duf

One of the first Linux/UNIX command-line I learned 20 years ago was du: du stands for disk usage, and is widely used to estimate file space usage (either for a complete system, for a partition, for a folder or for individual files).

Duf is another CLI tool to display disk usage details, but that time with a user-friendly layout (in a table format) that automatically adjusts to your terminal’s width.

Duf is a command line utility to find disk usage in Linux and Unix-like systems

As you can see in the output above, this command line lists the following details:

  • mounted devices (and associated mount point)
  • total size, used and free disk soace for each partitions
  • filesystem type and name

Developed in Go, duf is available available for Linux, macOS and Windows and has some nice embedded features:

  • sort the results according to your needs (by mountpoint, size, used space, inodes, etc.)
  • groups & filters devices
  • show/hide specific information or columns
  • output the disk space in JSON format

You can also list inode information instead of block usage with duf --inodes.

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