
In Action – DSC Resources for VMware 2.1

The DSC Resources for VMware 2.1 release has taken a major step forward in the ability to manage your vSphere environments with PowerShell DSC and PowerCLI. The goal of this latest release is to be able to apply standard configuration management practices to ESXi hosts. In order to accomplish this, there are 45 new resources included as part of the VMware.vSphereDSC module. We can now manage advanced settings, datastores, firewall rules, services, vSphere Standard Switches (VSS), and much more.

Let’s check out this update in action!

In Action

To show an example of what we can do with these resources, let’s start with a freshly deployed vCenter Server which only has some basic configurations applied (eg. DNS, NTP, AD integration) and three ESXi hosts with only the root password and Management vmkernel configured. From that point, using only a configuration file and PowerShell DSC, we can stand up a vSphere environment and be ready for VMs to be deployed in a matter of minutes!

Sample: Using DSC to prepare a vSphere Environment

Configuration File

The configuration file we used to create all of the objects and establish their configurations uses only fourteen of the available resources along with some built-in PowerShell functionality. The code can be found here:

For more information about each of the resources and some sample configurations, see the GitHub repository: DSC Resources for VMware Documentation


The DSC Resources for VMware 2.1 release has taken a major step forward in the ability to manage your vSphere environments with PowerShell DSC and PowerCLI. There are now more than 60 resources which give the ability to use configuration management concepts and apply them to our vSphere environments. This post showed how we could go from an empty vCenter Server to a workload ready vSphere environment in a matter of minutes with the latest set of resources.

Download the latest VMware.vSphereDSC module from the PowerShell Gallery today, and let us know in the comments how you’re using it in your environment!

For more information about the DSC Resources for VMware 2.1 release, see: New Release – DSC Resources for VMware 2.1