
PowerCLI Support Breakdown

Is PowerCLI supported by VMware?
Can support requests be opened about PowerCLI through MyVMware?

Questions like these keep coming up at VMUG meetings and customer meetings. This shouldn’t be a secret! The 18 modules that are available for with the current release of PowerCLI 6.5.2 are covered under VMware’s Basic Support and Production Support scope.

With that said, there are some areas in need of clarification. The coverage areas are around the installation process and cmdlet failures. If you’re running into errors while installing or initializing PowerCLI, a support request can be opened. If you’re using a cmdlet and you’re hitting some form of error, where the command used to work or should work according to the documentation, a support request can be opened. VMware’s Global Support Services (GSS) will work to identify the issue with you.

There are some areas of PowerCLI where GSS does not have the ability to support. These areas are around any guidance for custom scripts and/or advanced functions. VMware does have the ability to offer vSphere SDK Developer Support Service. If you are in need of this service, I would recommend speaking to your VMware account team.

Now that we have the groundwork laid, let’s discuss a little further how to make a support request regarding a PowerCLI issue.

Ask the Community

We’re talking support requests in this blog post, but… Have you asked the community? PowerCLI has a very active community which can be accessed in many ways. First, there’s fantastic PowerCLI VMTN Community that’s open and available to search through and ask questions. It even just recently hit 12,000 discussions! Then, there’s the VMware Code slack channel on PowerCLI is constantly one of the busiest channels in the Slack team and has over 500 members! There’s also Twitter and using the PowerCLI hashtag.

Support Request Creation

In order to help streamline the process of creating a support request to VMware, I’ve compiled some helpful suggestions from both customers whom have submitted support requests and the GSS representatives whom may respond to these support requests.

First and foremost, when creating a support request, you’ll notice there isn’t a “PowerCLI” support section. The best thing to do here is create a support request for product that’s having issues. Example: If it’s a VMHost cmdlet failure, create an ESXi support request.

Isolate the Issue

When creating the support request, only include the specific cmdlet which is not operational. Make sure to also include the output from running the cmdlet, such as the exact error message wording. Also, where possible, attempt to use the ‘Verbose’ parameter to help generate additional informational output.

Example: Using the Verbose parameter

Use Resolve-Error

If you are receiving an error, try to make use of the following function after receiving the error:

The Resolve-Error function’s output helps to provide as much context about the error as possible. For more information about it’s origin and usage, please refer to the following: Microsoft PowerShell Blog: Resolve-Error

Include All Version Information

Including all of the necessary version information is a very important step. Part of this would include PowerShell version, PowerCLI module versions, vSphere version, and so forth.

PowerShell information can be found using the built-in variable: $PSVersionTable

Example: Obtaining the version of PowerShell

PowerCLI module version information can be found with the following command: Get-Module –Name VMware*

Example: Listing Modules with Get-Module

If your PowerCLI session is connected to your vSphere environment, obtaining the vCenter version can be done with the following command: $global:DefaultVIServer | select Name,Version,Build

Example: Obtaining the version of vCenter

If you happen to be running into a vSAN PowerCLI issue, obtaining the vSAN version can be obtained through the new Get-VsanView cmdlet. An example command:
(Get-VsanView -Id "VsanVcClusterHealthSystem-vsan-cluster-health-system").VsanVcClusterQueryVerifyHealthSystemVersions((Get-Cluster).Id) | select VcVersion

Example: Obtaining the version of vSAN Cluster

If you happen to be running into a vRealize Operations Manager (vROps) PowerCLI issue, obtaining the vROps version can be a bit tricky. This is because it involves accessing the underlying API. This can be done in two command lines though:
$OmServer = $global:DefaultOMServers[0].ExtensionData
$OmServer.GetCurrentVersionOfServer() | select ReleaseName

Example: Obtaining the current version of vROps

Last one, if you happen to be running into a Horizon View PowerCLI issue, obtaining the Horizon View version can also be a little tricky. However, it can be obtained in two command lines:
$hvserver = $global:DefaultHVServers[0].extensiondata
$hvserver.ConnectionServer.ConnectionServer_list().General | select Name,Version

Example: Obtaining the version of Horizon View Server

Additional Information

Feel free to include any additional information which may help bring the support request to resolution. One example, screenshots are always helpful. If the error involves any variables or pipeline input, include the output for those items as well.


VMware PowerCLI is supported by VMware and support requests can be opened! VMware supports both the installation process and cmdlet usage. However, to make the support process easier:

  • Open a support request for the product area where the failure is occuring
  • Isolate the problem to the usage of a particular cmdlet
  • When dealing with an error, include the output from the Resolve-Error function
  • Include the versions of all related products (PowerShell, PowerCLI, vSphere, etc)
  • Include any variable and/or pipeline input being referenced

    • Also, don’t hesitate to ask the community! There’s a terrific wealth of knowledge who are eager to help!