
Welcoming a New Member to the Team

Jeffrey Snover and Jake Robinson
Jake Robinson (right) with PowerShell “father”, Jeffrey Snover (left)
I’d like to welcome someone new to the PowerCLI team: Jake Robinson.

Jake is our new Senior Product Manager for Automation Frameworks and CLIs. This means he’s going to be spending a lot of time focusing on the future of PowerCLI!

Jake has been long been a PowerCLI user. He’s even presented PowerCLI sessions at VMware and PowerShell User Groups as well as vBrownBag.

In his spare time, Jake enjoys brewing beer, playing video games, and grooming his epic beard.

When asked about the future of PowerCLI, Jake said: We are in the Post-GUI era, and PowerCLI has been, and will continue to be, the best user interface for VMware products, not just vSphere!

I think it’s fair to say the future of PowerCLI is bright!

You can find Jake’s personal blog at and contact him on Twitter via @jakerobinson