
Does PowerCLI hang when loading? Check to see if Windows is the culprit!

Over the past few months, we’ve heard of several customers who were experiencing issues where the PowerShell window would hang for about 30 seconds with a black screen before allowing the customers to use the console. If you are experiencing similar symptoms, read on.

Check your Group Policy

There is a Group Policy setting that will automatically try to update certificates in the Microsoft Root Certificate Program. This will try to connect to an external site to try to update the certificates. If your corporate firewall or other network configurations do not allow your machine to hit these sites, the PowerShell console will hang until it times out, which will give you the result above.

To check this setting, open up your group policy settings:

  1. Go to Run
  2. type ‘gpedit.msc’
  3. hit ‘enter’

Navigate through the group policy editor:

Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Public Key Policies

Double-Click on “Certificate Path Validation Settings”

Group Policy

Select the “Network Retrieval” tab and see if “Automatically update certificates in the Microsoft Root Certificate Program” is checked. If it is, uncheck the box and click ‘Ok’.


Once you’ve followed the previous steps, open your PowerCLI console again and see if your problems have been solved.
