General Guest Reporting

PowerCLI Customer Spotlight #3: Steven Kang


Continuing in our effort to place fellow PowerCLI users in front of the masses, to enable our PowerCLI users even more, I am pleased to introduce Steven Kang!



  • Name: Steven Kang
  • Twitter: @ssbkang
  • Blog:
  • Github: Coming Soon!
  • Current City: Aukland, New Zealand
  • Works for: ViFX
  • Job Title: Storage and Virtualization Engineer
  • Years using PowerCLI: > 3 years

Steven Kang is a Storage and Virtualisation Engineer at ViFX managing customer’s storage and virtualisation platforms. Over the last 5+ years, he has been involved in many VMware migration/upgrade projects and also worked as a VMware administrator. The most recent project he worked on involved vRealize Automation & Orchestrator. He is 2-time vExpert, holds VCAP5-DCA/DCD certifications,  and is currently working on his VCDX certification.

How did you learn about PowerCLI in the beginning?:

My first VMware project was upgrading vSphere from 4.x to 5.0 and was looking for a tool to generate a report for pre-work. This is where I first learned about PowerCLI.

What have been three accomplishments, scripts, or major wins for your job because of PowerCLI?:

      1. Reports – With rich information could be retrieved with PowerCLI, it enables generating reports for business. It’s the perfect tool to convert technical words into business words.

      2. Automation of daily BAU tasks – PowerCLI not only reduces operational overheads but also makes configurations consistent across vSphere environment.

      3. Scheduled tasks – PowerCLI scripts could be scheduled using Windows Task Scheduler. This was extremely useful for the migration project, I could run the PowerCLI script, go to bed, wake-up in the morning and the migration was done.

What would you want to see in a future version of PowerCLI?:

Integration between PowerCLI and vRealize Operations (formerly vCenter Operations Manager) would be great. Enhanced performance reports could be generated.

Any other words of wisdom you’d like to share with the community?:

It would be great to see how others use PowerCLI at their work and also challenges or difficulties they have. Feel free to contact me via Twitter @ssbkang or email, I would love to help out.


One of the great things about the PowerCLI community is the sheer amount of cooperation, mentoring, and script-sharing that takes place. It was great to see Steven offer his experience and expertise in helping others out as they begin or continue to grow, in their PowerCLI journey. Stay tuned for the next PowerCLI spotlight!