Product Announcements

VMworld 2012 – Some Interesting Storage Sessions

You'll probably know by now that the VMworld 2012 content catalog has gone live. I've had a look through the catalog to see which storage sessions caught my eye. The majority of these are technical, but some of them are designed you give you some sneak peaks at VMware's storage vision.

First a shameless plug. I am presenting the following session at this year's VMworld:

I'd be delighted if you added this to your session builder. And to complete a TOP 10 (in no particular order), other session recommendations that I would make to you in the storage space at this year's VMworld are as follows:

  1. INF-BCO1159 – Architecting and Operating a vSphere Metro Storage Cluster
  2. INF-STO1521 – vSphere Storage Appliance – Deep Dive and Best Practices 
  3. INF-STO1545 – Architecting Storage DRS Datastore Clusters 
  4. INF-STO2143 – Software-Defined Storage – VMware's Storage Vision & Strategy
  5. INF-BCO2982 – Stretched Clusters & SRM; How and When to Choose One, the Other, or Both?
  6. INF-STO1807 – Just Because You Could, Doesn't Mean You Should – Lessons Learned in Storage Best Practices
  7. INF-STO2564 – Supercharged SAN: Fine-tune Your VAAI Enabled vSphere SAN with This Collection of Configuration and Performance Best Practices
  8. INF-BCO2147 – VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager – What's New and Technical Overview 
  9. INF-BCO2807 – vSphere HA and Datastore Access Outages – Current-Capabilities Deep-Dive and Tech Preview

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