Product Announcements

Want to use a self signed SSL certificate with the vSphere Web Client?

If you are wanting to use your own self signed certificate for SSL authentication with the vSphere Web Client you'll need to update the Tomcat configuration file to include the self signed certificate.

To do this follow these steps.

Open DMServerconfigtomcat-server.xml file and change the properties in bold below:

<Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
maxThreads="500" scheme="https" secure="true"
clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"
keystoreFile="C:/Users/All Users/VMware/vSphere Web Client/SSL/rui.pfx"
keystorePass="testpassword" keystoreType="PKCS12" emptySessionPath="true"/>

Restart the web client, this should make sure that the new certificate is picked up.