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Announcing the Availability of vRealize Orchestrator Plug-in for Puppet

by Rich Bourdeau

IT departments Puppet Logouse a lot of different approaches to deploying and configuring OS and application software.  Some clone machines with the software pre-installed, Some use Operating system tools like Windows WIM Imaging or Linux Kickstart, and others use configuration management software tools.   If you use Puppet configuration management software, either the open source version or the enterprise version available from Puppet labs, you now have another option to help simplify and automate the delivery of infrastructure and application services.

Invoking Puppet from vRealize Automation

vRealize Automation  accelerates the delivery and ongoing management of infrastructure, application and custom IT services across multi-vendor private and public clouds infrastructure.  The NEW vRealize Orchestrator Plug-in for Puppet simplifies the process for invoking Puppet to deploy and configure software as part of provisioning managing or decommissioning a vRealize Automation service.

vRA Puppet Integration

Learn More

Here is some additional information to help you learn more and get started with the vRealize Orchestrator Plug-in for Puppet.