Product Announcements

VMworld BC/DR Sessions

A bit of shameless self promotion for some sessions I’m doing at VMworld and a few others in the BC/DR space that I’m pretty excited by.  First, my sessions:

BCO1003 – This is a group discussion, I’ll be talking about DR, Site Recovery Manager, vSphere Replication, some best practices; Really this is a general chat about topics in DR that I’ll guide, but look to the attendees to take where it makes the most sense.  For the last few years these have been focusing more on best practices and capabilities but with a real business oriented twist rather than just pure technology.  Find out what your peers are doing in this space and we’ll talk about what I’ve seen in my travels to customers.

BCO4977 – VMware vSphere Replication: Technical Walk-Through with Engineering – This has been a very well attended and reviewed session in the last couple of runs.  Aleksey (one of our Staff Engineers in R&D) and I will talk about the inner workings at depth about vSphere Replication, how it works, and really get into the guts of this replication technology including the interplay between VR and SRM.   This session is already getting pretty full looking at the attendance numbers!

BCO5129 – Protection for All – vSphere Replication & SRM Technical Update – The highly esteemed Lee Dilworth and I will be talking about what’s new this year in VR and SRM, as well as covering some of the topologies that you can use with VR, with SRM, and with the two components together.  We’ll also cover some best practices for deployment and getting the most success out of these solutions whether you’re an SMB or a full blown Enterprise sized company.

BCO5162 – Implementing a Holistic BC/DR Strategy with VMware – Part Two    – Jeff Hunter, my friend and colleague in Tech Marketing, and I will be following up with the second half of a two part session where we outline all the various components of VMware’s availability toolsets.  The first half is put on by our peers in product marketing, and talks about what they do and how they fit together; this second half is the technical portion where Jeff and I will outline how the pieces fit together, what they do, how they interact with one another and add our technical ‘colour’ to the conversation.  I can recommend both part 1 and part 2!

I’ll also have some “Knowledge Expert” sessions above and beyond the group discussions, so likely will be parked at the knowledge experts lounge a few times waiting to have a chat, and can also be booked for some one-on-one time for anything relating to BC/DR if you like!

What else is cool in BC/DR at VMworld?  Well the sessions I’m most looking forward to are those by my colleagues in product management, product marketing, and tech marketing.  A few of those sessions I’m hoping to attend: