
Kubernetes Kase Files, The Big Reveal

Kubernetes Kase Files, a Detective Dash Story

Known as the greatest technology sleuth in the city, Detective Dash has been hired by Legacy Bank to solve the mystery of its troublesome customer portal. Follow the case by reading the all of the chapters in his story: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4Chapter 5, Chapter 6, and Chapter 7.

Chapter 8: The Big Reveal

“You see,” Kubernetes explained to the room full of questioning glances. “I can help you modernize all sorts of workloads, including the customer portal. But, you should know that modern applications pose their own set of challenges. They’re complex and are often made up of multiple VMs, containers, and microservices.

“vSphere lets me run my workloads using your existing IT infrastructure. Together, we bridge the gap between IT administrators and application developers building cloud-native apps.”

vSphere picked up where Kubernetes left off. He looked at the Mole and spoke.

“It’s not fair that you sowed doubt into the minds of everyone else here, but I don’t totally blame you. As Kubernetes said, even though modernizing is the right course of action, that process still brings other complexities to Legacy’s infrastructure and IT and development teams.”

He then looked at Old School. “The good news for you is that you don’t need to build an entirely new platform to handle all the capabilities Kubernetes offers. By using vSphere 7, you can provision infrastructure through self-service Kubernetes commands and build modern apps using containers & microservices.”

Old School nodded. “I’m guessing monolithic apps won’t work for this approach, will it?”

“Yes, if you want. You can operate a mix of old school monolithic apps and modern, containerized apps on the same platform. Over time you can modernize your old school apps, focusing on the parts that need to be modernized…such as the user experience.”

The Time Keeper glanced at her watch and tapped the table nervously.

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m getting to you,” vSphere continued.

“I know you’re concerned with the amount of time it might take to build new applications or modernize existing applications using our capabilities. Kubernetes often requires a very specific skillset. But, together we can help you set up a developer-ready Kubernetes platform in less than an hour.”

The Time Keeper looked up, suddenly present. “Excuse me?” she asked.

“That’s right,” vSphere replied. “The development team can get started in under an hour. And the IT staff can use their existing skill sets to maintain the platform, without having to become Kubernetes experts.”

Finally, vSphere with Tanzu, the inimitable pair, turned to Shrugs.

“You can see now why your emails and calls up the chain went unanswered. Many folks here were unsure of how to approach modernization or thought they needed tools they didn’t have. The truth is everything Legacy Bank required to modernize the customer service portal was right here the whole time.”

Detective Dash rose and walked out of the room quietly, as vSphere with Tanzu continued their conversation with the former suspects. His job was done, the case was closed and there was probably someone else sitting in his waiting room already.


Interested in modernizing your applications with Kubernetes? Upgrade vSphere to version 7 today to realize all the benefits vSphere with Tanzu has to offer. And don’t let the Mole sow any doubt in your mind. Making the transformation your business needs is well within reach.

Ready to get started with vSphere with Tanzu? Check out these helpful resources: