Product Announcements

VMware Welcomes The Future

(To mark the end of the year we have been posting every day through January 1 with lighter vSphere and VMware topics. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do. See them all via the “2019 Wrap Up” tag!)

For the final blog post of 2019 and of the 2019 Wrap Up, let’s take a look forward. As I write this, the acquisition of Pivotal has just closed and we can move into the next phase of integrating them into our our modern applications vision. Pivotal brings some great people and technology that will enable some really exciting possibilities for our customers. Through 2019, it definitely seemed like Kubernetes (K8s) was on everyone’s mind – even those who are new to containers. K8s is going to be instrumental to VMware’s strategy going forward and that should be evident with the Pivotal acquisition, VMware Tanzu, and Project Pacific. It is going to be an exciting year as we execute on further integrating with the rest of the VMware portfolio.

(Click the image for a video clip)

And, while Kubernetes is really gaining momentum within VMware and our customers, we’re also going to continue to experience a bit of a renaissance of the foundation of this modern applications vision. As that foundation, we expect vSphere is going to have an exciting year! vSphere is truly powering the Hybrid Cloud as it continues to solve new problems and enable customers to run any workload in any cloud. Our Hybrid Cloud strategy will continue to unlock new possibilities in 2020 for customers across the globe.

(Click the image for a full-sized version)

Whether you’re new to virtualization and just beginning your transformation, you’re the Jill-of-all-trades managing a small-to-medium sized data center, a Cloud Architect driving innovation for a global enterprise, or a Developer building a new cloud-native application, you’ll want to pay attention to vSphere in 2020. The vSphere Product Team is working hard to bring great new features to market for every application and organization.

New years bring new challenges as well as innovation. The technology industry continues to evolve and change at a breakneck pace. One of the reasons I really love working for VMware is that it has a culture that accepts these challenges and faces them head-on. Whether it is a technical, social, environmental, or people challenges, VMware supports its workforce in addressing those challenges so we can ultimately deliver more value to customers. In other words, we’re allowed – and encouraged – to evolve. In 2020, I look forward to seeing how we continue the evolution and what challenges we take on as a company and as a product team.

On a more personal level, the upcoming year is going to be exciting for my team. We’re working on some great new content and ways to deliver that content more effectively. People continue to want to consume content in diverse ways from whiteboards to podcasts to live interactive workshops. We’re exploring new mediums and new ways to connect to our users. And, as always, we want your help. Please leave a comment below if you are looking for information on a topic or want to see content in a new way.

The vSphere Product Team sincerely hopes you had a great 2019 and wishes you an even better 2020. We look forward to the new year and bringing you new technology that you’ll be excited about!

(Thank you for joining us for this end-of-the-year series. If you missed a post you can find it using the the “2019 Wrap Up” tag. Please subscribe to this blog in your feed/news reader, and follow @VMwarevSphere on Twitter, for more information and news throughout the year.)

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