Product Announcements

vSphere Client (HTML5) v2.0 – Easy upgrade

UPDATE: Aug 12, afternoon

We have uploaded new bits which should work.  Both the one click update and the manual update instructions should be working now.  If you updated during the period where there were bad files, go here: and search for the text “Workarounds for fling 2.0 deployment issues” which provides some recovery steps for common issues/cases.  Please post a comment here if you run into any problems.


vSphere Client (vSphere HTML5 Web Client Fling)

Today we are pleased to announce the release of the vSphere Client (HTML5) fling 2.0.  From the first version until now, there have been (roughly) 18 updates to the fling with various features, and we’re finally bumping to v2.0!  The major feature that comes with v2.0 is the new management UI for the fling – Fling Appliance Management Interface.

As always the Fling is available here:

The Fling Appliance Management Interface

This is a simple UI that helps to:

  • One Click Update to the latest version of the vSphere Client. The groundwork for this was already put into v1.17, so if you’re already on v1.17, go to https://[fling-appliance]:5490/, log in with the appliance root credentials, and click the ‘Update’ button.  Note: Upgrade works regardless whether your VC is on Windows or VCSA.
  • Configure/Install your H5 client (Note: this UI only allows configuration with VCSA.  VC on Windows still requires manual steps from the instructions)
  • One click to Start/Stop the vSphere Client (HTML5) interface when needed

vSphere Client Appliance Management Interface Login ScreenvSphere Client Appliance Management Interface

This UI has been added to the Fling primarily to provide a mechanism for easier updates.  Please click download the newest “H5 Client Deployment Instructions and Helpful Tips_v19” (from see detailed instructions on how to use the UI, and the the latest instructions about installing and updating.  If you have feedback on this UI, please feel free to submit feedback through the Feedback tool Smiley face (top right corner of vSphere Client) and include [FAMI] at the front of your comments.  This automatic upgrade will only work if your vSphere Client appliance can reach the Fling website in order to download the new bits, so if this access does not exist, you will still need to do the upgrade manually.

For the list of all changes in v2.0, you can get it from the Fling page changelog:



We would like to thank you for providing continuous feedback/comments on the Fling. Your feedback has been critical in helping us deliver a high quality vSphere Client.  If you have more feedback or would simply like to share your experience with us, please fill out this survey:


We would like to share some quotes from users on the fling, to highlight a few things:

  • Many customers are using the vSphere Client Fling every day, and are very happy with it
  • Customers are using the Fling in some good sized environments
  • We recognize we still have a long way to go, we’re still seeking further feedback from users to help direct our development

We’re using the HTML5 client full time EXCEPT for creating new VMs. We need to be able to change the boot options at VM creation to select EFI Firmware”

Josh Barfield from ExponentHR


“Those in my office that have been slowly adding to our own internal testing of HTML5 Fling have had almost nothing but extremely positive comments about it. Everyone that has used it has switched over to using it as their primary client when possible because of how quick and responsive it is. We have only encounter one bug thus far where those who have permissions set on datacenters rather than at the VC can’t edit hardware. They are pleading to get that issue fixed so they don’t have to ever go back to the flash client. I haven’t personally encountered any bugs in testing. Once it supports working with dvSwitches and official plugins, I plan to only use the Fling client.

– Nick (Nick is managing an inventory of 2 VCs in linked mode, 58 hosts, and around 2500 VMs)


Much faster/responsive, more reliable/less buggy and sleeker looking than the Flash client. Obviously missing features but they will come. Priority of feature requests are: Multiselect of VMs, Keyboard input from Tablets. Keep up the great work.”

– Greg


AND many more. We have been working on the prioritizing the next set of features based on your feedback. If you have not tried the new vSphere Client, you should definitely use it and give us your feedback.


vSphere Client (HTML5) Team