Product Announcements

VMworld US 2014 in San Fransisco Panel Discussion “Applications on Oracle on vSphere” Panel

Mike Adams and Don Sullivan conducted a panel discussion at VMworld in San Francisco in August which highlighted a group of very successful VMware customers. The panelists answered questions pertaining to their varied application implementations running on Oracle on vSphere.  Their applications stories varied from SAP to Homegrown travel applications and from Oracle Identity Management to a broad sampling of Higher Education Applications.  The commonality was that they were all spectacularly successful.

Dan Young represented Indiana University when receiving the “VMware Innovation Award” rushed over from the Marriott Marquis to join the panel and highlighted the day with entertaining commentary of how he was sitting on the panel and receiving the award the same week that 128,000 Indiana University students were registering for classes.   He explained to the crowd how the virtualized database services model and the stability that the architecture provided was responsible for affording him this opportunity.  Jon Tucker from First National Bank of Nebraska in Omaha talked glowingly of the success of the bank’s Oracle Identity Management system and Kris Cook of SITA described how virtualization enhanced their homegrown travel applications environment.  Finally Mike Peter’s of Conagra got a big laugh when he described how their 20vCPU virtualized SAP Supply Chain system running on an Oracle DB was responsible for delivering all the frozen foods that the audience might consume that evening.

Each of these customers brings a unique experience with a common story.  “This is my application and it is very important and it runs better because it runs on vSphere”

For the first time VMware also conducted an Oracle customer panel at VMworld Europe in Barcelona but no video was produced of that event.  The event in Europe featured Eric Mealy CIO or Societe Generale bank of Luxembourg and Tobias Appelo of Cap Gemini who discussed their implementation at Centrica Energy in the UK.

Below is the YouTube link for the video from the San Francisco event.

VMworld US (SF) 2014 – Applications on Oracle on vSphere Customer Success Stories (Conagra, SITA, IU, FBNO)