Product Announcements

VMware vSphere now available Factory Preinstalled and Preactivated on Dell EMC PowerEdge Servers

How great would it be to order a Dell EMC PowerEdge server, rack and stack it, turn it on, and have vSphere ready and waiting for you to start building a new private cloud environment? Well that is now a possibility! We are very excited to announce the availability of VMware vSphere pre-installed and pre-activated on all Dell EMC PowerEdge servers, starting in Q3 2019.

This project is the result of tireless efforts and dogged pursuit to show our joint customers that we (VMware and Dell EMC) are always committed to making your experience with our products as simple and efficient as possible. That all starts will the second you place an order for a Dell EMC PowerEdge server. This is a unique industry first offering.

What is this Announcement All About?

Want to make your infrastructure as cloud-ready as quickly as possible, and quickly deliver business value? Then ordering a PowerEdge server with vSphere preinstalled and preactivated may be the perfect fit for you.

Simply put, now when you order a Dell PowerEdge server you have the option to order the server with VMware vSphere already installed and activated on the server directly from the factory. Aside from the bits already being installed on the server, the important element here is that the license key for vSphere is already included and enabled.

This slight change may not seem like a big deal but it truly is from a time perspective. Business value is measured in seconds these days and this pre-installation model will remove 40 minutes1 of time per server (or more) that a user would normally spend in the installation and licensing process. The time savings that comes from this preinstalled and preinstall server is a 67%2 reduction in the number of the steps normally associated with installation and activation. It has always been easy to use VMware vSphere software and Dell EMC PowerEdge servers but never quite this easy.

Key Takeaways

So, just to recap, you can immediately turn on your server and begin building or expanding your private cloud or bridge to a hybrid cloud. This solution means simplified acquisition, faster deployment of virtualized servers, and a single point of contact for hardware and software lifecycle management and support. Ultimately this leads to an improved delivery experience that is currently only available from Dell EMC and VMware. Learn more at

1 Only applicable to new customers and based on internal VMware comparison of the typical vSphere installation and activation process as compared to the situation when vSphere is preinstalled and pre-activated at the factory.

2 Typical installation and activation requires 9 steps, while the pre-activated and preinstalled process requires 3 steps