Product Announcements

The vSphere 6.0 Learning Path at VMworld

VMworld US is only 3 weeks away, and by now you are probably going through the Content Catalog and using Schedule Builder to create your own personal agenda. Since vSphere is still a very popular topic among our customers, particularly with the release of vSphere 6.0 earlier this year, I decided to provide a list of sessions on vSphere 6.0 that are being present at this year’s show. This list is organized by type of sessions, so you can decide which ones best suit your needs.

Sessions on vSphere 6.0 Deployment

Deep Dives into specific features of vSphere 6.0

Hands-on Labs on vSphere 6.0

Of course, there are a lot of other great sessions that go into more general (version-independent) vSphere topics, but these are the sessions to attend if you want to learn specifically about the latest version. Don’t forget also to visit the VMware booth in the Solutions Exchange, where you can see demos of vSphere 6.0 features (plus a lot of other surprise goodies too).  I hope you have a great VMworld!