Product Announcements

Recommended vSphere-focused Security Sessions at VMworld 2015

Hi everyone,

Here’s a quick blog post for you as you’re going through the VMworld Schedule Builder for VMworld 2015. Below is a list of security sessions that are primarily focused on vSphere Security. The NSX guys have a whole other laundry list of awesome sessions but for now, we’re going to focus on vSphere. Let’s get started!

I’m going to group these by their presenters.

Mike Foley

INF4758 – vSphere 6 Security Update Tuesday at 12:30pm
Get updated on what’s new in vSphere from a security perspective. You’ll get an overview of things like the new Lockdown Mode, an introduction to the big changes in vSphere security certificate management and the big changes that were made to the vSphere Hardening Guide.

INF5177 – vSphere Security: Fact .vs. Fiction (A 2014 repeat, back by popular demand!) Wednesday at 4pm
Is your security guy on your case about vSphere Security and thinks “VM Escape” is the primary threat? Learn the facts vs the fiction about security threats and come away feeling empowered to have “that” discussion with your security guy. Better yet, bring him along!

INF5539 – Infrastructure Security Panel Discussion Wednesday at 10am
Industry IT and Security experts get together and talk about the challenges, concerns and goings-on in virtualization and cloud security. The panel consists of folks from Financial and Heathcare, Federal government, Enterprise security and auditing and yours truly. Come prepared to ask questions!

INF6396-GD Platform Security with Mike Foley Wednesday at 11am
This is a group discussion where YOU are the content! No death by PowerPoint, just me facilitating a rountable discussion of you and your peers. We’ll talk about vSphere security and share tips and tricks.

EXPERTSMFO – Meet the Experts with Mike Foley Tuesday at 3pm
Here’s your chance for some one on one time! In my opinion this is one of the most under-utilized opportunities at VMworld. Take advantage of it! Book some time and let’s talk! If you’re looking for a discussion on network security and NSX however, please book time with those folks. Book this and other Meet The Experts sessions when you get to VMworld. It’s usually at the top of the first escalator in Moscone West.

Yuecel Karabulut

INF5339 – Protect your VM data with VM Encryption for vSphere and vCloud Air
I can’t say anymore than “Get up early and get to this session”. Seriously, I can’t say anymore!

Ryan Johnson and Adam Eckerle

INF4529 – VMware Certificate Management for Mere Mortals
Take two talented IT guys with TONS of real-world customer experience and toss them together with the new vSphere 6 certificate story and you get a great discussion on certs for the everyday IT guy.

Johnny Ferguson

INF4946 – vSphere 6 Security Deep Dive: Certificates and Identity
You asked for it and you’re getting it. This is the session for deep diving into vSphere certificate management and identities. Johnny is the Product Manager for Identity Management, SSO and certificate managament.

Bob Wehrfritz

SDDC6404-QT – The future of Trust and Security
VMware customers range from small to HUGE. All of them (I would hope!) have concerns about security. Some of these concerns can be addressed in some of the sessions listed here. When you need to go even further and dive into the nitty-gritty and bits and bytes, VMware’s Security Group is now there with a new program just for you. Check out what Bob has to share and visit the VMTA folks in the VMware booth!

Hands On Labs!

Check out both HOL-SDC-1610 and HOL-SDC-1620 to check out some security features as part of the vSphere HOL and get hands on with different security features of vSphere. For more information, visit the VMworld 2015 Hands On Labs site.

There you have it.. It’s GREAT to see how much security on the vSphere platform itself has grown and continues to grow. As you’re building out your personal catalog of sessions and want to learn the soup to nuts on certificates, start with my session INF4758, then check out Ryan and Adam’s session INF4529 and wrap it up with Johnny’s mind-blowing session INF4946.

Enjoy and see YOU at VMworld 2015!