Product Announcements

Deploying Large Virtual SAN Clusters in Minutes

VSANThe deployment and configuration of Virtual SAN has been deemed “radically simple” because of its simplistic two click configuration capability. For the most part, most people have yet to see what the deployment and configuration of a large Virtual SAN cluster looks like and in actuality what it takes. Virtual SAN requires the configurations of dedicated virtual network interfaces as well as configuration to physical uplinks.

Configuring large clusters could potentially become time consuming and susceptible to configuration errors when done manually. In the interest of Virtual SAN interoperability and deep integration with the rest of the vSphere platform and its features the use of the vSphere Distributed Switches complement the overall ease of the configuration and deployment of Virtual SAN.

The vSphere Distributed Switches configuration “Template Mode” feature can be leverage to improve the agility of the virtual network configuration and also drastically reduce the risk of virtual network mis-configurations. This demonstrations showcase the deployment and configuration of a Virtual SAN along with its requires network configuration. For those who were not aware, the vSphere Distributed Switch is included as part of the Virtual SAN licensing.

Watch how simple and easy configure and deploy and 16 node Virtual SAN cluster with a vSphere Distributed Switch in a few minutes.

– Enjoy

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