Product Announcements

Help us to help you and win a copy of VMware Fusion!

Auto DeployDo you use VMware Auto Deploy?

Is there a good reason you don’t use VMware Auto Deploy?

Here at VMware we value our customers feedback and want to help make sure our product lines and features are in line with what is needed from your organization, as part of this we are trying to find out more details about how our customers use Auto Deploy, or if you don’t , how they don’t use Auto Deploy!

As part of this we have created a survey which will help prioritize efforts in the future and give us a clearer picture on how customers are or are not using Auto Deploy.

The survey takes you to different pages based upon your answers so please do not get scared by the number of pages at the top, this will quickly reduce and should take less than 5 minutes to complete.

As a thank you for filling this survey out, at the end you will have the chance to add your email address (optional) and be entered into a draw to receive 1 of 3 copies of VMware fusion, winners will be contacted after the end of the survey.

Thanks for taking the time to help make VMware products better.

Take the survey here