Product Announcements

Mike Laverick's SRM 5.0 Book

Just got my hands on a copy fresh off the presses of Mike Laverick's new SRM book "Administering VMware Site Recovery Manager 5.0".

This book looks great!  494 pages of detailed technical hands-on material for administering SRM 5.

Some topics at a high level:

  • Various vendors' replication technologies
  • Installing and configuring SRM and vSphere Replication
  • Configuration of the protected and recovery sites
  • Configuring recovery plans
  • Alerts and alarm setup
  • Shared recovery models
  • Scripting with SRM
  • Upgrading from 4.1 to 5.0

And much more!  

We're very excited to see this in print!  Great job by Mike Laverick, and you should consider this a must-own for anyone involved with SRM.

Order it on Amazon:

 (Amazon) Administering VMware Site Recovery Manager 5.0
