Product Announcements

How is vNetwork Distributed Switch Going to Help Me?

I talk to a lot of customers at our briefing center about vNetwork Distributed Switch and I usually focus on two key benefits. There are definitely more but the big focus I turn to is:

1. vNetwork Distributed Switch helps to aggregate network setup (from the virtualization perspective) and does not require that I setup a vSwitch for every ESX host. This saves time and presents a more efficient management construct. Efficiencies are always good. 

2. When you actually VMotion between vSwitches today you lose some network statistical information that would be very helpful in a troubleshooting scenario. By having up to 64 hosts tie into 1 vNetwork Distributed Switch you can eliminate this and maintain all that key statistical information. 

Notice how I have not gotten to the integration with 3rd party switches like the Cisco Nexus 1000V. I will discuss that in my next post tomorrow. I will also post a more explicit graphic to show you what I mean.

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