
Virtualizing Microsoft Exchange and SQL Server (and a free book contest!): VMware Community Podcast #139

Our podcast topic this week on the VMware Community Roundtable (#139) was Virtualizing Business Critical Applications on vSphere. Our guests were two of VMware’s Technical Solutions Architects. Alex Fontana specializes in Microsoft Exchange, and Wanda He in Microsoft SQL Server. Both also contribute to the relatively new blog, Business Critical Applications. As usual, you can listen to the podcast via the widget on the right, via the mp3, or via iTunes. 

Some of the pages and blog posts we discussed:

Alex is a co-author of the book Virtualizing Microsoft Tier 1 Applications with VMware vSphere 4 with Charles Windom and Hemant Gaidhani. Charles and Hemant were both on Podcast #107 last August. Since Charles was nice enough to give me a copy of the book, I would like to pay it forward by sending it to one of you via a contest here. In the comments to this post, tell your story about virtualizing a business critical application. You don’t have to make it a long story, and you don’t even have to identify your workplace. Just lay out an interesting detail, funny incident, something you hadn’t anticipated, or best of all, how well everything went. Be sure and put your real email in the comment (it won’t show up on the page, but I’ll need to contact you.) I will take all the entries on the comment form – one entry per person – by next Wednesday’s podcast and we’ll pick a random entry to send the book to. 

Thanks and good luck!


p.s. We’re live every week at noon CA time. You can join us live on our podcast platform Talkshoe every week and join in the chat and ask questions. Please come by — we have a good time! Next week I’ll be doing the podcast live in New York at the VMware Forum. To follow all the latest virtualization podcasts, whether you listen to them at your desk or on your commute, come over the VMTN Communities Podcast Group and see the latest content!