Products vSphere Storage

What about vSphere 6.5 Core Storage?

Both Cormac Hogan and I have been asked this question many times: You guys write a lot about vSAN, but what about Core Storage? And it is a very valid question to be honest, it just happens that for the past 2-3 years our primary focus has been, and will be, vSAN. That doesn’t mean however that Core Storage is not important for VMware. We realize that we have many customers leveraging more traditional storage systems and connecting shared storage via NFS and iSCSI. We have many customers leveraging some form of stretched storage, and on top we have many customers who simply want to get a better understanding of specific features or functionality that is part of the vSphere stack like VAAI or VAIO. All of the papers will include changes that happened between the last release of the paper and the current release of vSphere (6.5).

As we had various questions in this space, Cormac and I decided to update a lot of the “core storage” related whitepapers. We posted all of them up on so that all storage (and availability) related papers are to be found in the same spot. It took us a couple of weeks, but here they all are. We hope you enjoy them, and if there is any feedback (or request) feel free to leave a comment here or drop Cormac or myself a message on twitter.