
VMware vCloud NFV Platform Wins World Communication Award for Vendor Innovation

We are excited to announce that our VMware has been honored with more winning hardware wca-2016-awardsfor its VMware vCloud NFV Platform. By hardware, we mean trophies not big iron boxes. Earlier this year, VMware vCloud NFV was recognized as the “NFV Innovation of the Year” by Informa at the 2016 Network Virtualization Awards.

This week, VMware won in the “Innovation Award: Vendor” category at the 2016 World Communication Awards, sponsored by Total Telecom magazine. In their 18th year, the World Communication Awards (WCA) are awarded to those who have shown the highest level of quality and innovation throughout the year. WCA is the largest awards ceremony in global telecoms recognizing innovation and outstanding industry performance.


The VMware vCloud NFV Platform is an innovative virtualized service delivery platform. The platform enables CSPs and Telcos can combine network, cloud, mobility and IT architectures into a converged common platform for network services and applications, with over-the-top agility and industry standard economics. VMware enables organizations to deploy a multi-vendor and multi-function NFV platform, based on VMware’s Cross-Cloud Architecture, that is OpenStack compatible and supports diverse network functions and applications.

vCloud NFV delivers the NFV Infrastructure (NFVI), Virtual Infrastructure manager (VIM) and some of the Management and Orchestration (MANO) functions as defined by the ETSI NFV ISG framework through a number of integrated components that may also be deployed independently should the customer wish.

VMware currently has more than 80 NFV production deployments with leading global service

VMware Representatives Accept Award

providers across all geographies, deployed directly as well as through Network Equipment Provider (NEP) partners and Virtual Network Function (VNF) vendors. VMware has also certified 24 virtual network functions from 20 vendors as VMware Ready for NFV, with a strong pipeline of additional VNFs awaiting certification.

These recognitions are a testimony to our customers’ faith and trust in VMware.  VMware vCloud NFV platform is positioned to lead the NFV ecosystem to the next level of border use cases covering vCPE, vIMS, VoLTE, SD-WAN and enabling virtualized 5G networks, M2M and IOT networks of the future.

To learn more about VMware NFV solutions and strategy visit: http://www.vmware.com/solutions/industry/telco.html
