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VMware Fusion 2 and Mac OS X Snow Leopard: Even Better

image Many VMware Fusion users have been wondering how VMware Fusion 2.0.5 fares on Snow Leopard, and we’re proud to report that VMware Fusion 2.0.5 now offers experimental support for the Snow Leopard when running the default 32-bit kernel!

Of course, we kept up with the pre-release seeds of 10.6 and done a great deal of testing of VMware Fusion 2.0.5 and found that it worked well on the default Snow Leopard install (the 32-bit kernel which runs both 32-bit and 64-bit applications). However, there was always the minor chance that something could change before the final version of Snow Leopard.

Our initial testing of VMware Fusion 2.0.5 with the final release of Snow Leopard has gone very well, but we are still running our full suite of tests on the final Snow Leopard release just to be sure.

Just so you know, I’m writing this blog post in Windows XP virtual machine on an iMac running VMware Fusion 2.0.5 on Snow Leopard and it works great.

If you are using an older version of VMware Fusion, download the FREE upgrade to VMware Fusion 2.0.5 in order to run your virtual machines on Snow Leopard

UPDATED : So, what is the story with 64-bit Snow Leopard?

Apple is promoting the 64-bit transition in Snow Leopard now that all Apple applications included with Snow Leopard, like Calculator, to Finder, and Windows Server are ported to 64-bit. According to Apple, all included Apple applications are now 64-bit for higher performance, but the default kernel for every Mac except the Xserve is the 32-bit kernel. So, even though you are running the 32-bit kernel by default, the rest of Mac OS X Snow Leopard is running in 64-bit mode for better performance.

VMware Fusion 2.0.5 offers experimental support for the default install of Snow Leopard, which runs both 32-bit applications and the new faster 64-bit applications on the default 32-bit kernel.

In addition to the default Snow Leopard install, which is the 32-bit kernel with support for 32-bit and 64-bit applications, Snow Leopard now offers a 64-bit kernel option that is available by default for Snow Leopard Server on 2008 and 2009 Xserves. The 64-bit kernel can be enabled optionally on a number of 2008, 2009 Macs

However, VMware Fusion 2.0.5 is NOT compatible with the optional 64-bit kernel of Snow Leopard and Snow Leopard Server.  For most users, this will not be a problem, as the 64-bit kernel of Snow Leopard only starts up by default only for Snow Leopard Server on 2008 and 2009 Xserves.

The transition to the 64-bit kernel of Snow Leopard is a major undertaking and something that we are taking seriously as we plan future products. If you are interested in beta testing future versions of VMware Fusion, click here to sign up.

Checking if Snow Leopard is running the 32-bit or 64-bit kernel

If you are not sure which version of Snow Leopard you are running, it’s really easy to check:

1) Select About this Mac from the Apple menu

2) Click on More Info to open System Profiler

3) Click on Software and check the “64-bit Kernel and Extensions” option. If you are running the 64-bit Kernel, it will say “Yes”, if you are running the 32-bit Kernel it will say “No”.


How to Switch from 64-bit to 32-bit Snow Leopard

If you found that your computer is running the 64-bit version of Snow Leopard and you need to run your virtual machines, it’s really easy to switch it to the 32-bit kernel. Simply restart your computer holding down the “3” and “2” keys on the keyboard

Enjoy VMware Fusion 2.0.5 on Snow Leopard

Apple has worked hard on this revolutionary software, and we know many of you have been waiting eagerly for Snow Leopard (I've personally been waiting for the new Easy Text Selection feature in Preview to make highlighting text in PDF’s much easier).  We always want our customers to be able to use the newest software available, so we are pleased VMware Fusion 2.0.5 works well (though still experimental support for now) on Snow Leopard.

If you don’t have VMware Fusion yet, the VMware online store is having a limited time “10% Off” sale on VMware Fusion 2.  Save 10% instantly when you buy VMware Fusion today – offer expires 8/31/09!
