
VMware Fusion Desktop Background: Come and get it!

screen_final Dave Hyndman commented on my Friday post about Windows Live Writer on Mac asking about the desktop background he saw in my screencaps, and if it were available.

Well, it’s just a little background that we threw together for our Macworld demo machines, where it showed up in some videos as well.  A handful of people on the VMware Fusion team have it as their desktop, but if there are people out there in the world who’d like to put it on their Mac’s desktop, well, I’m more than happy to share.

The background was put together by Henderson Ong in the VMware corporate marketing group.  Henderson does a lot of our design, and has a great eye for making things pretty and Mac like.

For example, it was his idea to make the heart glossy and 3D-esque, as if it were an icon in Mac OS X.  We were really happy with it, and I hope you are too.

Here’s the image, which should be hi-res enough to work as a background (click through to get the full image):



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