
Fusion Faces Updated: Danny Sullivan Can’t Stop Raving About VMware Fusion

I got all goofy and doe-eyed last week when blogging about how one of my favorite bloggers, Danny Sullivan, was switching to the Mac with VMware Fusion.

Well, I’m here to revisit my previous fan boy paroxysms, because Danny has posted again regarding, and I quote, "My Mac & Windows Under VMware – Awesome!"

I couldn’t write these headlines better myself!  This is fantastic.  It’s so awesome to see these guys trumpeting their success with VMware Fusion.  It’s like Danny and Scoble are having a contest.  Scoble’s "VMware Rocks" was pretty good, but Danny mentions Windows on Mac in his title…so he might have the lead.

What really make me happy is the fact that Danny’s situation is really like mine: he’s a Windows user through and through, making his way in a Mac world, using VMware Fusion as his security blanket. 

We say this all the time, that a Windows virtual machine, running on the Mac with VMware Fusion, is the perfect security blanket.  But Danny actually said this himself, "So I’m on the Mac but not really using the Mac side much. I’m sure I’ll get
there. I actually do want to get there. But having Windows is a great security
blanket, not to mention it’s fast and stable."

Like my setup at work, Danny pretty much lives all day in a Windows VM, in an external monitor, popping into Mac OS X here and there when feeling brave.  (for example, this blog post is being written in Windows Live Writer in my Windows VM, running on my MacBook Pro with VMware Fusion).

As Danny puts it, "It works so well. I can’t say it enough. Right now, I’m using my widescreen
external monitor to run the Windows virtual machine. I only remember I’m using a
Mac when I forget about the stupid new keyboard shortcuts or the lack of a Del
key (more on all this later; yes, I know, fn-delete and there are remapping
tools). Down below, it’s Mac city — where I’m mainly running Firefox so far."