
Fusion Faces: Premier Search Engine Blogger Danny Sullivan Running VMware Fusion

Pardon me as I get all fan-boy here for a second.

Danny Sullivan, of SearchEngineWatch and SearchEngineLand fame, and dyed in the wool tech geek, just blogged about he has gone and gotten himself a Mac.

According to his post, even though he never thought he’d do it, and he’s a little grumpy about the new user interface that he has to get used to, he went and bought a new MacBook Pro.

However, this was my favorite part, "I bought VMware [Fusion] so that I can get Windows XP running on it, as my security blanket."  So glad to know that Danny will be able to run his vital Windows XP apps that he’s come to know and love, by running VMware Fusion for Windows on Mac

I’m sure as soon as he witnesses the wonders of Expose, especially when combined with VMware Fusion’s Unity View, he’ll come around to the Mac UI.