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VMware Explore 2022 US – The Security Mindset: Changing the Way You Think About Enterprise Security

People are at the heart of the modern IT organization. People are the decision makers, influencers, and operators that design, deploy, and manage the best enterprise environments in the world. As technology rapidly evolves, so too must the people that manage those technologies.  

But it’s one thing when change comes organically, and another when it is forced upon us. The constantly evolving threat landscape has meant that organizations, and the people within them, need to embrace change in order to effectively combat cyber threats. Security as we know it requires all hands on deck.

And we get it, change is hard. Half the battle is a shift in your security mindset – from viewing change as a disruption, to an opportunity. Better security begins with a changing mindset towards roles, responsibilities, and processes. Everyone has a role to play in security – and realizing that can have profound effects, with success felt at personal, professional, and corporate levels. 

Team discussing their security mindset strategy

We invite you to join us on August 29th as we examine this in more detail in “The Security Mindset” program at VMware Explore. Join us to explore what building a security mindset can mean for you, and then take part in our War Room scenario for an entertaining look at enterprise security operations and how vSphere engineers and developers can have a critical seat at the table.  

We will delve into:  

  • How changing the way you think about security can drastically change your own personal career journey 
  • Examples and perspectives from people who have successfully transitioned to security from typical IT roles or other non-standard paths 
  • A Day in the Life of a Cross-Functional Security War Room – where you’ll take a front row seat as a fictional company gets breached, and how a cross-functional infrastructure team pulls together to break down the anatomy of the attack in a search to analyze the impact and determine root cause. 

We will wrap the day with the War Room coming together in a blameless retro highlighting best practices, tools, and techniques for creating a cohesive enterprise security approach, and revisit the necessity of shifting your mindset toward sharing the load of enterprise security without jeopardizing job roles and responsibilities, before breaking to continue conversations over drinks and snacks. 

We look forward to seeing you in the War Room!