Announcements Modern Apps Security Workload Security

How to Resolve Alert Fatigue for Security Teams

Our rapid developments in detection and remediation give security teams the information they need to solve security issues in real-time. On the flip side, this increases the potential for alert fatigue where teams are bombarded with threat notifications without the bandwidth to solve for every alert. This is especially harmful when these threats slow down the development process of the container lifecycle.

Find out how VMware Carbon Black Auto Enforce will help bridge the gaps between your security needs and your enforcement capabilities.

Challenges with Enforcing Security Standards 

Cloud-native technology creates complex and dynamic environments. In environments that are always changing, security teams need a way to enforce security standards and compliance across their platforms.  They need a way to enforce compliance without slowing down deployments and causing friction with development teams. Additionally, security teams need a way to mitigate existing environments where there are already deviations from their standards.  

There are two main problems with enforcing standards and mitigating existing deviations that SecOps teams run into: 

  1. Security teams have alert fatigue. Investigating these alerts can be an extremely manual process. If a dashboard shows 1500+ alerts from vulnerabilities or misconfigurations, there is no way that those could all be fixed quickly, or without a tremendous number of resources. 
  2. On the other hand, they don’t want to block development teams from deploying anything with a vulnerability, at the risk of keeping any new code or fixes from getting deployed. They especially don’t want to block anything from being deployed without any recommendation on what to fix and the steps to do it. 

Introducing the Auto Enforce Feature to Mitigate Alert Fatigue 

These challenges faced by security teams are challenges we can help solve with our new Auto Enforce feature for VMware Carbon Black Container. We created this new Auto Enforce feature because we saw that our customers needed another option to your typical “alert” or “block” model. We saw that customers need the option to remove the manual nature of compliance and automatically enforce compliance standards and security across environments.  

With the Auto Enforce feature, SecOps teams can audit workload vulnerabilities and use VMware Carbon Black Container to mutate the workload to the desired state. The tool uses automation to mitigate and enforce policy management across environments at the cluster layer.  

This will allow VMware Carbon Black Container users to:  

  • Enforce compliance without compromising security 
  • Gain back control of K8s
  • Quickly remediate misconfigurations and deviations from compliance standards

To learn more about this new feature, check out the demo below and review our technical release notes page.