Gartner SASE

Gartner Outlines SASE Today and Tomorrow

Gartner recently released a new report, 2021 Strategic Roadmap for SASE Convergence*, which describes the steps businesses should take to start moving away from legacy perimeter-based security approaches and hardware-based offerings to a SASE model.

SASE is not a new concept, but one that Gartner introduced back in 2019. Since then, a lot of vendors have jumped on the bandwagon to tout their answer to SASE. As you evaluate vendors and solutions, Gartner urges you to think long term and have a migration plan for both short- and long-term goals.

SASE is Cloud

The core message of Gartner’s report was the emphasis on cloud and the imperative for it to be part of an organization’s overall strategy for SASE. The report highlighted some key takeaways with regard to the relevance of cloud, which included:

  • “To protect anywhere, anytime access to digital capabilities, security must become software-defined and cloud-delivered, forcing changes in security architecture and vendor selection.”
  • “SASE security policy enforcement is dispersed in the cloud. This requires a software-based, hardware-neutral architecture deployed across multiple points of presence (POPs) with policy enforcement close to the point of consumption.”
  • “SASE solutions are cloud-delivered, but vendors vary in the degree of ‘cloud nativeness’ of their architecture. Legacy appliance and virtual appliance architectures need to be broken down into smaller, scalable components.”
  • “Where physical SWG, CASB and VPN appliances are used, we advise enterprises move off these appliances at the soonest refresh possible and shift to cloud offerings.”
  • “The legacy perimeter must transform into a set of cloud-based, converged capabilities created when and where an enterprise needs them — that is, a dynamically created, policy-based secure access service edge.”

How We Help Customers

The Gartner report reinforced the SASE strategy we’ve had from the beginning and emphasized the value VMware can bring to our customers. As a global cloud platform, VMware SASE™ is based upon the idea that the cloud is the network, and as a result, VMware built and operationalized an extensible, scalable cloud services platform. 

This platform today supports integrated networking and security services, along with handoffs to cloud, SaaS, and third-party services, while also allowing for services of tomorrow, like edge computing. VMware SASE is available globally, with over 150 points of presence around the world to provide reliable, secure, and optimal access to cloud, SaaS, and legacy applications.

Only the cloud can put performance and security together, deliver them locally, with better security and easy services integration and operations, and an evolving edge that ensures your future.

VMware SASE is also a comprehensive solution that offers a number of products rolled into one, easy to use, future-ready platform. Contact us to learn more about how VMware SASE helps prepare you for SASE today and tomorrow.

*Gartner, 2021 Strategic Roadmap for SASE Convergence, Neil MacDonald, Nat Smith, Lawrence Orans, Joe Skorupa, 25 March 2021